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1986.09.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1986 CC Minutes
1986.09.15 CC Minutes
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/06 <br />September 15, 1986 <br />5.2 Bill Wunderlich - Subdivision <br />Richard Hiniker, representing Bill Wunderlich, discussed the revised survey and <br />what ultimately needs to be finalized. The main reason for the subdivision is the <br />sale of "Parcel C". McAllister inquired as to the status of the SUP for North <br />Oaks Kennel, and Hininiker stated that the kennel is located on a separate parcel <br />of land. It was the consensus of the Council that property, which would be the <br />exception, be consolidated with the small portion of land that would be landlocked <br />as a result of the subdivision. Mr. Hiniker agreed with that request as well as <br />dedication of a 66' easement along the entire southern boudary of the property. <br />N <br />MOTION: Hauer made motion, Potts seconded, to approve the Minor Subdivision for <br />William Wunderlich to create 3 parcels as shown on sketch plan with all <br />corrections to be made on final certificate of survey. The approval is <br />subject to the following conditions: <br />1. Dedication of a 33' easement along the south side of Parcel A for <br />access to Parcel "C". <br />2. The approximately 51-2 acre parcel, or the northernmost portion of <br />Parcel "B" be consolidated with the existing parcel exception. <br />3. Payment of $300.00 parkland dedication. <br />Let the record show Richard Hiniker has initialed the reconunended changes to be <br />incorporated in the final certificate of survey. <br />Hauer and Potts withdrew their motion. <br />MOTION: Hauer made motion, Potts seconded, to approve the Minor Subdivision for <br />William Wunderlich subject to the submitted preliminary sketch plan of <br />9/15/86, initialed by Richard Hiniker, and $300.00 parkland dedication. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.4 Khue Vang - Request for Mobile Home Permit <br />Mr. Vank, who resides at 9686 152nd Street North, would like to have a mobile home <br />placed on his property for his mother to reside in. She does not speak English, <br />and she lives in St. Paul, while her family lives here in Hugo. The City does <br />have a provision for temporary mobile home permit for hardship cases. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to hold a public hearing on <br />October 6, 1986, at 7:30 PM, to consider Mr. Vang's request to place <br />a mobile home on his property to serve as residence for his mother. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.5 Thomas Schutta - Site Plan Approval <br />Mr. Schutta, owner of 20 acres on Keller Avenue, is proposing the construction <br />of two accessory buildings in conjunction with the building of his residence. <br />One building, 38 x 50, would be used for storage and a garage, and the other, <br />60 x 154, would be used for his horses (10) and an indoor riding arena. Mr. <br />Schutta stated that he does not plan on boarding horses on his property, only his <br />own. Mayor McAllister informed Mr. Schutta that he could be called in at a later <br />date should the number of horses on property become a problem at a later date. <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Site Plan for <br />Thomas Schutta for construction of two accessory buildings according <br />to the site plan submitted dated 9/10/86. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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