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/37 <br />December 1, 1986 <br />6.2 Planning Commission <br />George Atkinson submitted the application of Doug Blanchard for consideration to <br />membership on the Planning Commission. There are a number of vacancies now, and <br />more in the near future. George stated that he would like to make two appointments <br />prior to the first of the year making a staff of four members. Mr. Huber reported <br />that Ann Fashingbauer has one year left in her term, Bob Olson and George, two <br />years, and John Granger/Jerry Schoeller's terms expire this year. <br />MOTION: Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, to appoint Doug Blanchard to fill <br />the one year term vacated by Ann Fashingbauer, expiring 12/31/87. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />6.3 Building Inspector <br />Mr. Huber stated that Tom Crever will not be issuing Certificates of Occupancy <br />for any new construction until the buildings have the proper identification, e.g., <br />visible house numbers. This is being implemented at the request of the Fire De- <br />partment. <br />6.4 Fire Chief - No discussion. <br />6.5 Clerk <br />The City is holding a $3,000 financial guarantee from Harlee Anderson, 12203 Fiona <br />Avenue, to insure removal of a 2nd residence from his property. The structure <br />has been removed from the property, thereby releasing the need for the financial <br />guarantee. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the City Clerk be directed <br />to notify the First State Bank of White Bear Lake to release the financial <br />guarantee of $3,000.00, Savings Certificate #19363, submitted by Harlee <br />Anderson. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the City Clerk be directed <br />to contact the Sarah Mardell law office requesting her to file the <br />necessary papers to remove the liz pendance from Alex/Tamara Zaluckyj <br />property. All aye. Motion Carried. <br />7.0 ORDINANCES AND ORDINANCES <br />No discussion. <br />8.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />No discussion. <br />9.0 NEW BUSINESS <br />9.1 1987 Utility Budget <br />Mr. Huber submitted a draft of the water/sewer budget for 1987. Both accounts <br />reflect an increase in quarterly utility charges because costs have been included <br />that have been overlooked in the past. Office salaries have never been charged <br />against the them nor has the yearly audit. <br />