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MINUTES OF '11E PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br />January 9, 1985 <br />The meeting was called to order by Mayor McAllister at 6:10 PM. <br />PRESENT: Peltier, Potts, Schwab, Hauer, McAllister <br />This additional, regular meeting was called to give further consideration to the <br />application of Sandy Borndale, 16237 Harrow, is proposing the construction of a <br />240 x 70 riding arena and stalls for 40 horses. The piece of property is a 12 <br />acre p(north of her residence. Jim Flannery, speaking on behalf of William <br />O'Mara operty directly to the north of the 12 acre parcel, stating that the <br />area would be major change in the existing use of the property, and would change <br />the nature and character of the neighborhood. He reiterated Mr. O'Mara's remarks <br />concerning the problems of waste from the large number of animals, and the high <br />water table in the area. At the Council meeting of 1/7/85, Mrs. Borndale sub- <br />mitted a letter to the Council with signatures of neighbors in the area, stating <br />they had no objection to the proposal. At tonight's meeting, Mr. Flannery stated <br />that further contact had been made with the signee's, and that they were not to- <br />tally informed of the facts and wish to now go on record as being opposed to the <br />plan. The contractor for Borndale's arena was present, and discussed the steps <br />that have been taken to assure the operation would not be a pollution problem. <br />It was his feeling that at the maximum, there would be 10 cars on the premises. <br />Mrs. Borndale stated that she would not rule out the possibility of holding com- <br />petition in the facility. Councilman Potts had made another inspection of the <br />area surrounding the Borndale property, and felt that Mrs. Borndale, in essence, <br />would be introducing a commercial business into a residential area. The area <br />consists of private hones, and a number of them have a small number of horses for <br />their personal use. His main concern was the size of the building on a 12 acre <br />parcel, but also felt that residents should also be able to do some things they <br />would like to do. The Counc*g feel that the size of the operation would be <br />detrimental to the residentia gut would look at another version of the operation, <br />but on a smaller scale. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to table the application, at the <br />request of Mrs. Borndate, until the meeting of 1/21/85. <br />All aye. Notion Carried. <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Hauer seconded, to adjourn at 7:24 PM. <br />All aye. Notion Carried. <br />Mary reager, Clerk <br />City ugo <br />