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1985.10.21 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1985 CC Minutes
1985.10.21 CC Minutes
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105 <br />October 21, 1985 <br />5.6 Nancy Cunningham - Special Use Permit <br />Mr. Engman, prospective buyer for the Cunningham property at 9365 122nd Street North, <br />was present to discuss his plans for the property. Whether or not he purchases <br />the property is contingent on being able to obtain a SUP for the purpose of outside <br />storage of RV's and boats. He would like to build a pole barn and use to customize <br />boats. It is just a "hobby" at this time, but after future retirement, would be <br />doing the work on a more regular basis. The applicatic4 as submitted by Mrs. <br />Cunningham, did not indicate this type of request, and the application was recommended <br />for denial by the Planning Commission. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that this matter be returned <br />to the Planning Commission and recommend the application be revised to <br />indicate accurate plans for the property. The appropriate fee is to be <br />paid, and direct the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on the <br />new application. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />BASIL STONE <br />Mr. Stone had made application for a building permit to build along 170th Street <br />in Section 7. It became apparent that the Washington County Recorder's Office <br />created lots without having the approval from Hugo to split the property. Mr. Stone <br />and Mr. David Nordhausen were present at the meeting and agreed to combine their <br />property into one parcel. The city would initiate a rezone, with their approval, to <br />eliminate substandard lots in the Conservancy District. For the record, Messrs. <br />Stone and Nordhausen agreed to combine their parcels and the rezoning of their <br />property initiated by the City Council. <br />5.8 Garry Boyer - Discussion on outside storage <br />Mr. Boyer, owner of one acre at 9195 122nd Street, was called to the meeting to dis- - <br />cuss the open storage of vehicles on his property. He stated that the vehicles are <br />not registered to him, but are the property of his brother who owns Continental Motors <br />in White Bear Lake. He asked about constructing a pole barn to store the vehicles, <br />and was told that he would have to apply for Site Plan Approval for an accessory <br />building, and a Special Use Permit for storage of vehicles. It will be placed on <br />the PC agenda, and public hearing to be held. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the Clerk be directed to <br />send Garry Boyer an application for Site Plan for a pole barn, and an <br />applicatnn for a SUP for storage of motor vehicles not owned by him. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.9 Frank Kubitschek - Special Use Permit <br />Mr. Kubitschek is applying for an after -the -fact SUP for the filling of a lot on <br />Bald Eagle Lake. Mr. Kubitschek stated that prior to the purchase of the property, <br />he contacted Hugo's building inspector, and was told that all he needed was a permit <br />from the Rice Creek Watershed District, and nothing from Hugo. The property is <br />located in the flood plain, and does require a SUP for filling of a lot. Howard <br />Kuusisto has made an on-site inspection of the property and made a recommendation <br />which in on file at City Hall. Mayor McAllister recommended that Councilman Hauer <br />
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