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November 18, 1985 <br />119 <br />Attorney Johnson advised Stone and Nordhausen what should be done now to have their <br />parcels combined to form one legal description. Johnson stated that if this is not <br />done in the relatively near future, the city would record their signed agreements. <br />5.5 Harstad/Todd Construction - Rezoning <br />There had been an application to rezone approximately 82 acres, lying on the south <br />side of 8A, from SFE to SFU. Ken Briggs, representing the above named firm, sub- <br />mitted a letter to the city requesting the tabling of the application until fur- <br />ther notice from their office. <br />MOTION: Hauer made motion, Peltier seconded, to table the Harstad rezoning appli- <br />cation for a 90 day period from 11/18/85. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />9.0 ATTORNEY AND ENGINEER <br />Mr. Johnson stated that his monthly report will be forthcoming. The Council reviewed <br />the Stanek matter with the attorney and engineer. Mayor McAllister would like to <br />see this matter resolved asap, and requested the engineer and attorney to take <br />whatever steps necessary are needed. A special meeting will be called if necessary. <br />10.0 CLERK <br />The city received a call from Joe Card regarding his letter of 9/3/85 which addresses <br />certain complaints against his neighbor's property. The Council discussed each <br />item and advised that the city respond as follows: <br />1. A variance was granted within the framework of city code. <br />2. Address concern with restrictive covenants with the association. <br />3. The variance for the 3 -season porch was granted within the framework of city code. <br />4. Contact 100 regarding this matter. <br />5. No written permission required in the granting of a variance. <br />6. This item is referred to the Building Inspector with a report to be made to <br />the Council. <br />7. Referred to the Building Inspector. <br />8. Referred to the DNR. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the City Clerk provide Joe <br />Card with the above responses to his letter of 9/3/85. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Tara Arhip, 5261 165th Street, had been sent a letter, along with an application <br />for a Special Use Permit to operate a junkyard, stating that her name had been placed <br />on the Planning Commission agenda for 11/13/85. The city never received a response <br />from her. On 11/18, the city received another call stating that there were at least <br />25 vehicles sitting behind Arhip's residence. The city's nuisance ordinance addresses <br />the storage of such vehicles. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the 1st step of the nuisance <br />complaint be drafted by the city attorney, and the clerk forward the notice <br />to Tara Arhip in a manner described by ordinance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />