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12 <br />December 16, 1985 <br />5.5 Verna Larsen - Rezoning <br />Verna Larsen is proposing the rezoning of 20 acres from CONS to AG for the pur- <br />pose of dividing into 2 10 acre lots. McAllister stated that a certificate of <br />survey would be required for the division as well as adequate proof of ownership. <br />Ms. Larsen acknowledged she was aware that rezoning does not necessarily guarantee <br />subdivision approval - only makes it eligible. <br />MOTION: Potts made motion, Peltier seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 1985-228, AN ORDI- <br />NANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 320 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE ENTILED "ZONING" BY <br />AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.6 Richard Vail - Variance <br />Mr. Vail initially requested two 2' variances for sideyard setback on Lot 6, <br />Shamrock Glen subdivision. Mr. Vail stated that he would like to revise his <br />application for a 4' variance (6' setback rather than 10')on the south side of <br />Lot 6. Mr. Vail stills owns Lot 5, and stated that he would build the house on <br />Lot 5 as far from the north property as possible. George Atkinson, chairman <br />of the Planning Commission, was present, and spoke on behalf of the PC, stating <br />that he did not feel there would be any problem with the new application. <br />MOTION: Hauer made motion, Potts seconded, to approve the side lot variance <br />on Lot 6, Shamrock Glen, for a setback on the south side of 6' rather <br />than the required 10'. The south side property line to be established <br />prior to excavation to assure 6' setback on Lot 6. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />The Council then discussed the storm water problem at Shamrock Glen as the result <br />of not installing a culvert where required. Mr. Vail stated that the work cannot <br />be completed until the temperature reaches at least 200. Engineer Kuusisto was <br />instructed to write a letter to Dale Eklin, RCWD, and the neighbor to the east of <br />the project, what steps the city is taking to remedy the water problem. <br />5.3 Tara Arhip - Nuisance Complaint <br />Ms. Arhip was sent a certified letter requesting that she appear at tonight's <br />meeting to discuss the nuisance complaint the city has received regarding her <br />property. Let the record show that Ms. Arhip failed to appear as requested. <br />MOTION: McAllister made motion, Potts seconded, that a formal complaint be <br />filed with the prosecuting attorney against the fee owners of the <br />property at 5261 165th Street North for violation of the Nuisance <br />Ordinance. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />5.4 Gary Grenz - Charitable Gambling <br />Mr. Grenz, representing the City of Hope, was present to inquire as to the Council's <br />feelings for the use of pull tabs in the city's liquor establishments. McAllister <br />stated that the State of Minnesota now handles the issuance of gambling licenses. <br />They are then forwarded to the city with a 30 day deadline to respond. Councilman <br />Hauer stated that he is not in favor of denying anything related to gambling. The <br />city has yet to deny an application for gambling from a tax exempt organization. <br />