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131 <br />MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br />December 31, 1985 <br />The Special Meeting was called to order by Mayor McAllister at 10:09 AM. <br />PRESENT: Peltier, Schwab, McAllister <br />ABSENT: Potts, Hauer <br />McAllister notified Councilmembers notices were sent by mail, and the Clerk tele - <br />Mr. Potts informing him of the meeting date. <br />The purpose of the meeting is to pass a Resolution reimbursing Lakes Area Recyling <br />for expenses incurred in 1985. <br />MOTION: Schwab made motion, Peltier seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1985-26, A RESO- <br />LUTION AUTHORIZING THE REIMBURSEMENT TO LAKES AREA RECYCLING CATER FOR <br />EXPENSES INCURRED IN 1985 FOR RECYCLING MAILING, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO <br />EXCEED $350.00. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Curt Sparks has requested amiling list including all residents of Hugo to inform <br />them of the recycling center. There were no objections to forwarding this list. <br />Mayor McAllister requested that the Council consider purchasing a second vehicle <br />for the City. <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, that the City purchase a second <br />vehicle not to exceed $10,000.00. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, to adjourn at 10:16 AM. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Carole LaBelle <br />Acting Secretary <br />