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1984.11.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1984 CC Minutes
1984.11.19 CC Minutes
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130 November 19, 1984 <br /> 5.9 Wil Harris - REview of Sup <br /> Mr. Harris, along with his attorney, Jim Flannery, was present to answer Council <br /> questions relative to the Tex'n Club. Mayor McAllister stated that on 12/8/82, <br /> Mr. Flannery appeared before the Planning Commission and stated that Mr. Don <br /> Bumgartner was no longer involved in Harris's business operation. McAllister - for <br /> the record, are you still the sole stockholder in Wil Harris Investment. Flannery <br /> stated that he has all the corporate records and Mr. Harris is the sole stockholder <br /> in the corporation. McAllister asked what the corporation owned, and Flannery stated <br /> that the land is its only asset. McAllister asked who was paying the taxes on the <br /> land, and Harris replied that he himself had not paid taxes because of a question <br /> about the amount to be paid. McAllister asked why a bar and restaurant would need <br /> showers, and Harris replied for activities such as boxing matches. Harris stated <br /> that he has considered holding Golden Glove boxing matches. Mayor McAllister made <br /> reference to a letter frau Don Bluhm, MHCC, regarding an increase in SAC charges <br /> for the establishment - apartments on the second floor. Harris stated that he has <br /> no real plans for the area, but only wanted to pay the least amount possible for <br /> the additional charges, which was for apartments, so he said that is what they were <br /> going to be. Mayor McAllister informed Harris that apartments were not allowed in <br /> the RB district. At this point, Mr. Harris stated that Don Bumgartner has paid <br /> all the bills for the bar and restaurant, approximately $220,000. Harris stated <br /> that he has known him for 40 years, and that there is no written agreement between <br /> them for repayment of the Honey. McAllister stated that he would like to see Mr. <br /> Harris settle all financial ties with Bumgartner. Attorney Charles Johnson is to <br /> schedule a meeting with Flannery to examine Harris's corporate stocks. When Mr. <br /> Johnson is satisfied that Mr. Harris is the only party named and with interest in <br /> the property and building, Mr. Harris to deposit $300.00 Flirt any legal costs, <br /> and to be provided with a Hugo codebook so that he is aware what is allowed in the <br /> city. <br /> 5.8 John Distler - SUP <br /> Mr. Distler, 17300 Keystone, would like to construct a 30 x 68 pole building on the <br /> 20 acre lot adjoining the parcel with his residence (5 acres) . Because the accessory <br /> building would be constructed prior to a residence, a SUP would be required. The <br /> building would be used for storage and horses. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the SUP for John <br /> Distler, Jr. , to construct a 30 x 68 pole building prior to the principal <br /> structure. The city clerk to draft an agreement similar to that of 1984-46. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 9.1 NorthwesternBell <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, McAllister seconded, to approve Northwester Bell <br /> Job Order 47218. <br /> All aye. Notion Carried. <br /> CITY ATTORNEY <br /> Mr. Johnson submitted his monthly report. He stated that he has talked to Mr. Pauley <br /> of the bonding company regarding release of the $2,000.00 for the Armon septic <br /> system. The clerk is to provide Mr. Johnson with the necessary documents to <br /> finalize this matter. <br />
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