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1984.12.17 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1984 CC Minutes
1984.12.17 CC Minutes
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139 December 17, 1984 <br /> legal counsel, Karla Wahl, were present, and submitted alternative proposals for <br /> fire protection to obtain the ASUP. There was a lengthy discussion regarding <br /> the 3 proposals, that are on file. There was some discussion about the possi- <br /> bility of expanding the park to the south, to avoid potential problems with <br /> the existing industrial park and the establishment of a residential area. <br /> Ms. Wahl stated that that was impossible as Mr. Oman did not own the property <br /> to the south. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made notion, Hauer seconded, to approve application 1983-41 <br /> subject to the following restrictions and agreements: <br /> 1. The applicant agrees to execute the ASUP within 60 days and comply with all <br /> the provisions herein with 180 days, unless otherwise specified, or this <br /> permit will become null and void. <br /> 2. That the developer deposit with the City, a sum to be determined by the City <br /> Engineer, to cover the entire cost of a noise study in the area of the pro- <br /> posed manufactured home park. <br /> 3. The City will select and retain, at the developer's expense, a professional <br /> acoustical consultant, to recommend noise abatement procedures, and the <br /> developer hereby agrees to comply with those recommendations and construct <br /> such noise abatement structures and barriers as may be recommended by the <br /> consultant and approved by the City Council. <br /> 4. The developer agrees to execute an acceptable hold-harmless agreement binding <br /> him, his heirs and successors, holding harmless the City of Hugo, and each <br /> and every individual, corporation, or partnership operating a business or <br /> owning property in the area known as Peloquin Industrial Park and any area <br /> in the SEi of Section 17 of the City of Hugo, from noise. <br /> 5. The developer agrees to construct, at his sole expense, a fire protection <br /> system capable of delivering a flow of water as recommended by the City <br /> Engineer. The system shall have at a minimum, three (3) fire hydrants which <br /> are equal to and compatible with the city's hydrants and fire-fighting <br /> apparatus. The plan shall be submitted to the Fire Marshall prior to con- <br /> struction, for approval. <br /> 6. The developer may at his discretion, petition the City of Hugo to connect to <br /> the city's water system. The City will require the developer to dedicate <br /> an easement to the City, and the City will have access to the system at any <br /> time. The developer may petition, in writing, the City to accept the system, <br /> and should the City accept the system, the City will provide all maintenance <br /> and repair of the system. Should the developer decide to retain ownership <br /> of the system, the owner will be responsible to maintain the system to City <br /> standards and pay for all repairs. <br /> 7. Should the developer elect and be authorized by the Council to connect to the <br /> city's watermain system vs. drilling his own well and installing his own <br /> system, the City will charge the developer a right-of-access fee to connect <br /> to the municipal water system. The system and its well, pump, and water tower <br /> were paid for entirely by assessment, and is not supported in any way by <br /> general fund tax dollars. The one time right-of-access charge shall be 25% <br /> of the estimated cost the developer would have to bear to drill his own well <br /> capable of delivering an acceptable flow of water to the required fire hydrants. <br /> The City Engineer shall submit an estimate of the cost of such a well to the <br /> City Council, and his estimate shall be final in determining the access charge. <br /> 8. The developer may at his discretion also petition the City, in writing, to <br /> connect manufactured homes to the city's water system. The developer will <br /> then pay the City the same charge as required under Chapter 314, as amended, <br /> for any single family dwelling water connection, and will comply with all <br /> the requirements under Chapter 314 of the Hugo City Code. <br />
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