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43 <br /> MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br /> May 16, 1983 <br /> The special meeting was called to order by Mayor McAllister at 6:12 P.M. <br /> PRESENT: McAllister, Peltier, Schwab <br /> Charles Johnson, Howard Kuusisto, and Mr. & Mrs. Doug Kruse <br /> ABSENT: Atkinson, Vail <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the City Attorney prepare an <br /> amendment to the agreement dated December 15, 1981 , between the City of Hugo <br /> and Mr. & Mrs. Doug Kruse, whereby Mr. & Mrs. Kruse will assign to the City <br /> all vested interest in the bond held by the City of Hugo regarding the Anton <br /> system installed on their property. The agreement shall also contain a pro- <br /> vision for $1000.00 to be paid to the City of Hugo no later than August 2, <br /> 1983, and a payment schedule amortizing the balance of $4,000.00 over a <br /> four (4) year period at 81/2% simple interest payable in equal monthly install- <br /> ments on or before the 15th day of each month. The original agreement and <br /> the amended agreement shall be recorded in Washington County, and the amend- <br /> ment shall contain a provision clearly stating that any transfer of ownership <br /> shall accelerate the payment of the balance of the principal. The agreement <br /> shall contain a provision securing a lien or second mortgage. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Schwab seconded, to adjourn at 6:45 PM. <br /> All aye. Motion 9xzyd <br /> Theodora Peltier, Acting Secretary <br /> City of Hugo <br /> MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br /> May 16, 1983 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM. <br /> PRESENT: McAllister, Peltier, Atkinson, Schwab <br /> Johnson and Kuusisto <br /> ABSENT: Vail <br /> 3.0 APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, to approve the minutes of the Special <br /> Meeting of May 16, 1983, as submitted. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, to approve the minutes of the regular <br /> meeting of May 16, 1983, as submitted. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br />