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December 19, 1983 111 <br /> MISCELLANEOUS <br /> There was much discussion regarding the hazardous conditions at the intersections <br /> entering onto Highway 61. Most of the snow is the result of the plowing of the <br /> highway department and Washington County. Some local businesses are adding to the <br /> problem by plowing their snow to the sidewalks and intersections. Mayor McAllister <br /> has talked to the particular businesses, and has requested a sample copy of a snow <br /> removal agreement between DOT and other communities. In the future, the Council <br /> will check out violations, and a letter will be sent to their attention. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Atkinson seconded, to adjourn at 10:42 PM. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> >2.21? �it�iv���-LSCMaryreager, City C1Citygo <br />