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MAY 8, 1973 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDII= OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL VILLAGE OF HUGE? , <br /> Note: the following are minutes taken by the deputy clerk after the Mayor opened the4 <br /> public hearing for audience participation. Plaese attach to the minutes prepared by <br /> Ehlers and given to you on May 8 by the clerk. <br /> The following are questions from the audience which were answered for the most part by How- <br /> ard Kuusisto and Bob Ehlers. <br /> Ed Waugh, 13863 Forest Blvd.-"There is a $5.00 charge for ordinary residents, but <br /> how do you determine what a commercial user will pay?" <br /> Answer-"This is based somewhat on your water usage," <br /> Pat Dooley, 5765 150th St.-"What is the cost difference of replacing 145th St, Will <br /> you save money?" Answer-" We will not remove all of 145th St. and yes, we will save <br /> money, "450 feet West of Finale would be open at least one lane." <br /> Willard Curmnings, 5389 145th St, -"Will people along 145th be assessed from the middle <br /> of the street?" Answer-"Where there is along and short side, the middle of the <br /> street?" Answerer" Where there is a long and short side, it will be equalized as if the <br /> sewer were laid in the middle of the road. <br /> Eugene Reinhart, 14936 Foxhill-"How much will it cost for people on gravel roads to <br /> pay for replacing blacktop?" Answer-"Estimated cost of replacing bituminous is <br /> $35:000.00 or $4 to 6 per foot, We actually applied for more money in the grant to <br /> add improvements, but we received not even enough to complete sewer." <br /> Kathy Schletty, no address given-"Is the sewer going down the North side of 147th. St.? <br /> "Answer-"We have to stay away from water mains, so the sewer will be South of 147th." <br /> Ruth Coil, 14885 Forest Blvd.-"Is the sewer to go in front of our lot?" Answer-"Yes, <br /> it will be on the West side of you." <br /> Mrs, Bramstedt, Egg Lake Road-"How far out on Egg Lake are you going?" Answer-"The <br /> people can tell us how far they want us to go. We have the same problem on Oneka <br /> Lake Blvd." <br /> Bob Whitehart, Railroad Rep.-"Is this-the original plan submitted to HUD, or had <br /> plans been changed after?" Answer-"No, this is not the original plan submitted to HUD9 <br /> although we discussed with them the possiblility of cutting back somwhere, e.g. a pumping <br /> station." <br /> Ken Tschida, Bald Eagle Industrial Park-" I'd like the pumping station back in the <br /> proposal." <br /> Dean Johnson, 5849 147th St.-"How long after bids are received do,yoy hold them? <br /> "Ansewer-"Approximately 45 days. They have to go through some government approvals, etc." <br /> Eugene Reinhart, 14936 Foxhill-"If everyone paid for the sewer right away, we could <br /> save about $70,000.00. It should be cheap to put sewer in Foxhill, so why should <br /> we be on the end of the line and have to pay more for installation?" Answer-"The <br /> contractor starts on one end of the village and works his way up, but the piople,on <br /> the far end should not be penalized. We're trying to take care of that problem." <br /> Pat Dooley, 5765 150th St.-"Will the sewer raise the tax valuation?" Answer-"Nat <br /> necessarily, but it could in some cases. This would depend on your tax assessor." <br /> Ray Peltier, 14624 Fitzgerald-"Hugo has just had a big tax increase. We don't want <br /> another one because of sewer. Some areas around us just put in sewer and their taxes <br /> went up". Answer-"The tax increase we just had had been ordered by the State." <br /> Jim Husnick, Hugo-"Why put three crossings so close together on Highway #61? Wouldn't <br /> that be expensive?" Answer-"To get a deeper sewer in that area. It wouldn't be that <br /> expensive. <br />