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AUGUST 20, 1973 113 <br /> Henry Molitor had requested oil on road in front of his house, but none is available at <br /> the present time. He is to be put on the map for oiling next year. <br /> It was stated that McCullough Well Company had been drilling wells without obtaining permits <br /> first, as required by ordinance. He had been notified by the clerk that he was in violation <br /> of the ordinance, but there had been no response. Motion made and seconded to have McCullough <br /> come in to the September 4th council meeting to review their Special Use Permit. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Applications and permits were taken up next. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux <br /> to approve NSP application #757096. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to approve Northwestern Bell Telephone application <br /> for burried cable, numbers 31274 and EST 6855 prt# 16, on Homestead Avenue and Goodview <br /> Avenue North. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to grant Municipal Water Service to Leon Muellner at 14896 <br /> Francesca Avenue. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to grant Temporary Mobile Home Permit Renewal to <br /> Gordon Russett, 8086 16;th St. No. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to request Dave Lindahl to appear at the September 4th council <br /> meeting. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle to deny request of Ray Peltier for no parking <br /> signs on boulevard across from Village hall. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by LaValle to deny request of Ray Peltier for village to <br /> stop blowing siren at noon and 10:00 PM. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard then reported that the second planned use report should be decided upon by <br /> the September 4th meeting. <br /> Engineer Howard Kuusisto stated the Sewer Committee had reviewed the final sewer plans and <br /> he showed the plans to the council for their review. Motion made by Lease, seconded by <br /> Leroux to accept final plans for sewer as submitted by the engineer. Motion carried. <br /> Evergreen Hills 2nd Addition was brought up for discussion. Mayor Carlson laid out maps <br /> showing soil boring information for the council and engineer's review. Carlson said he <br /> would like to have Kuusisto, Vail, and Bill Schwab work out a solution to the problem. <br /> Howard mentioned the fact that the soil borings were done by a reputable ens veering firm, <br /> and he would be glad to work with Vail and Schwab on the problem. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to adjourn at 12:25 AM. Motion carried. <br /> 4Obert E. Burkard, Clerk <br /> Village of Hugo <br />