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NOVEMBER 27s 1973 MINUTE'S OF SPECIAL MEETING HUGO VILLAGE COUNCIL <br /> The special meeting was called to order at 7:16 PM. Roll call of officers Carlson, LaValle, <br /> Lervuxt Bjorum, Lease present. <br /> Purpose of meeting: to discuss sewer easements and advertising for bids for sewer and Bald <br /> Eagle Industrial Park project. <br /> Motion made and seconded to accept bid of R. D. McLean Construction to construct a sewer in <br /> the Bald Eagle Industrial Park according to specifications at a cost of $289343.00 contingent <br /> upon the establishment of the right of way of 130th Street No. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded that village authorize attorney Johnson to pay a fixed sum of <br /> $100.00 construction inconvenience fee to each owner of property upon which a sewer easement <br /> or easements is acquired. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 8:02 PM. Motion carried. <br /> Robert E. Burkard, Village Clerk <br />