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FEBRUARY 4, 1974 25 <br /> Engineer Kuusisto had prepared a written report which he gave to council <br /> members while he explained certain items. <br /> The building inspector reported that only two building permits had been <br /> issued in January. He is to give the council a full report on the status <br /> of Robert Ricci 's remod e-_in.gon February 19th. He is also to contact <br /> LaMetti Construction regarding; their new building. It appears the snow <br /> load for the roof is only 251bs. and state code is 40 lbs. <br /> Police chief Richard Gunderson gave his written report to the council. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Martin to authorize L & W Construction <br /> to repair the doors in the village hall -at a cost of '290.00. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported on the following: <br /> A bill from the sewer board had been received asking for payment for usage. <br /> Burkard is to contact them again regarding the matter. <br /> A letter had been received from the attorney for the George King estate, <br /> suggesting the city certify their claim to the county auditor. <br /> Minutes of the meeting of the Rice Creek Watershed Board had been received, <br /> and an item of interest being that Jerry Perron of the White Bear Rod and <br /> Gun Club had appeared regarding reclamation of lead shot. <br /> A letter from Jerry Belisle had been received concerning Dutch Elm Desease. <br /> Burkard stated he would like to order conversion heads for water meters <br /> at $15.50 each. Motion made by Lease, seconded by Crever to purchase one <br /> dozen meter heads for the water department at a cost of $15.50 each. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> Motion made by Lease, and seconded by to have the Hugo Seal Changed from a <br /> village seal to a city seal. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Martin to post the village financial <br /> statement in three prominent places in the city. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, and seconded to transfer $12,000.00 from passbook <br /> savings to the village general account. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to appoint the following to the ordinance committee: <br /> Lee Martin, Gerald Hauble, John Kostuck Jr. , Theodora Peltier, George Miron, <br /> Joseph Vignalo, and John Devney. Motion carried. <br /> Engineer Kuusisto reported that bids for the sewer project were opened <br /> on February 4th and following were the low bidders: <br /> Hoffman Brothers, Inc. Atwater, Minn. $190359151 .26 <br /> Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. Osseo, Minn. $'1 ,084.881 .00 <br /> Northdale Construction, Mpls. , Minn. $1015099.00 <br /> Howard said he will turn his tabulation of bids over to HUD for their <br /> review. Mr. Bob Ehlers, of Ehlers Associates, then explained the cost <br /> summary of the project to the council. He stated March 18th would be <br /> a good date to have the bond sale. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Crever to reinstate the special use <br /> permit issued September 17, 1973, together with all the conditions set <br /> forth in Attachment "A" for an Auto Dismantling Yard, for Norman C. Horton <br /> Sr. Motion carried. <br />