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FEBRUARY 11 , 1974 MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE HUGO CITY COUNCIL 2 9 <br /> The meeting was called of order at 7:20 PI! by Mayor- Crever. Roll was <br /> called: Crever, LaValle, Martin, Leroux, and Lease present. Also <br /> present were the village engineer, attorney, and the fiscal agent, <br /> and some members of the sewer committee. <br /> Mayor Crever stated the reason for the special meeting was to work <br /> on the sewer project for the city. <br /> Howard K_uusisto stated he had made tabulations with corrections of <br /> the bids, and he had given the official copy to the clerk. He said <br /> Hoffman was the low bidder by w1000.00, and there were six very good <br /> bids from a competitive stand point. <br /> Charles Johnson stated he had only three or four easements to finish. <br /> The fiscal agent, Bob Ehlers Jr. , distributed copies of two cost <br /> siL=-iaries he had worked out. The first summary included a bond issue <br /> for :050,000.00. If all the bond proceeds are not used in the area <br /> perscribed at the public hearing, the city can put the remaining funds <br /> in the bond sinking account to defray the debt service. Also, excess <br /> funds could be borrowed from the sinking funds by council resolution <br /> for improvement to other areas. The borrowed funds would have to be <br /> paid back to the sinking and interest account within three years. <br /> The second alternative was a bond issue for V259000.00, which would <br /> be less one half of the surface replacement. With this plan, the user <br /> charge would be about ;;;4.00 per month. Lease thought streets were going <br /> to be put back the way they were before the project. Howard stated that <br /> within two years of the sewer project, there would probably be some type <br /> of a road improvement program, and streets would have to be torn up again. <br /> He said if you put them back the way they were right away, you could <br /> forget a road improvement program for a number of years. It was noted <br /> that storm drainage system and water mains were left out of the final <br /> project, as the HUD funds would not accommodate them. <br /> LaValle questioned whether the :;;850,000 issue would include blacktop <br /> restoration of those streets now blacktopped, and the answer was affirma— <br /> tive. Joe Marier of the sewer committee stated he would be willing to <br /> have a delay in putting back blacktop, but wouldn't want to be assessed <br /> for it again if he had it in the first place. <br /> Pat Dooley of the sewer committee stated that in the first method, people <br /> on gravel would be paying :1,350.00 more to restore blacktop streets. He <br /> also thought a drainage system should be put in with the sewer, as dry <br /> wells had already been installed for that purpose. Howard said if this <br /> were added, it would be assessed only to the affected property owners. <br /> Ehlers said they could anticipate the cost and include it in the bond <br /> issue. <br /> It was noted that HUD would have to be informed of the second alternative <br /> if it was desired over the first. Howard stated he would like to go the <br /> X850,000 bond issue and have the funds available for street restoration <br /> at a later date. <br /> Don Lease mentioned that the second plan would mean another hearing and <br /> another delay, and maybe the loss of the HUD Grant, as the bid has to <br /> be awarded within sixty days. Bob Ehlers stated he would like a decision <br /> right away, in order to advertise for bids for the bond sale. <br />