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FEBRUARY 19, 1974 2 7 <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle to cite Mr. Don Tauer for v <br /> violation of Oneka Ordinance # 1 and City Ordinance # 108. LaValle, <br /> Leroux, Martin, Lease for, Crever abstained. Motion carried. <br /> Lee Martin stated he had contacted the attorney on a moritorium on <br /> subdivisions until the comprehensive plan is completed. Johnson said <br /> if a moritiorium ordinance were drawn up, a time limit would have to <br /> be set on it, and any zoning changes would require a new public hear- <br /> ing. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Martin to table moritorium subject <br /> until the March 4th meeting. Motion carried. <br /> Lee Muellner appeared with a petition to have "No Parking" signs put <br /> up on the residential side of Francesca, from the north end of the <br /> street to the north end of the school. <br /> Motion made by Lease, and seconded to accept petition and post the <br /> west side of Francesca for no parking on a year round basis from the <br /> north end of the school to the north end of the street. Motion carried. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported on the following: <br /> Free maintenance on the copy machine is now ended. We can now have <br /> a maintenance contract for 9140.00 for the year, which included all <br /> parts and labor. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by LaValle to accept <br /> maintenance agreement with Minnesota Mining Company. Crever, LaValle, <br /> Leroux, Lease for, Martin abstained. Motion carried. <br /> A letter had been received from Ehlers, regarding an application for <br /> Moody's Municipal Bond Rating, and they would like it acted upon as <br /> soon as possible. Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Crever to accept <br /> and sign Moody Agreement for Municipal Bond Rating. Motion carried. <br /> I <br /> A letter had been received from the Minnesota Highway Department con- <br /> cerning Hardwood Creek Estates, and a copy would be forwarded to Mr. <br /> Muggs. <br /> A letter had com afrom the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency giving <br /> approved permit for sewer construction. Howard stated this was a matter <br /> of procedure. <br /> Mr. Burkard stated the Clerk' s and Finance Officer's Conference was <br /> coming up March 6, 7, & 8, at a cost of $40.00 each person. Motion <br /> made by Lease, seconded by LaValle to approve registration and mileage <br /> to send clerk and deputy clerk to the Clerk' s Conference March 6, 79 & 8. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Burkard reported that Minnesota Statue 15 A-20 increases mileage <br /> for official business from 9¢ to 15¢ per mile. Motion made by Crever, <br /> seconded by Leroux to change city mileage rate to 15¢ per mile. Crever, <br /> Leroux for Martin, LaValle, Lease opposed. Motion failed. <br /> The engineer reported the road in the Industrial Park is in bad shape, <br /> but the contractor will take care of this. Howard also stated Mrs. <br /> Arcand might be requesting a bond instead of the 1$8000.00 check on <br /> deposit with the clerk. <br /> Moticu made by Lease, and seconded to have clerk send letters to Larry <br /> Furlong and Arcands, requesting our copies of their plats within two <br /> weeks, or the building inspector will not issue further permits for <br /> lOtS lY) their cnhr1i tri ci nnc ATnii nn narri ori <br />