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t <br /> After discussion, member Marvin LAVa'll introduced <br /> the following resolution and moved its adoption: , <br /> RESOLUTION RECEIVING BIDS AND AWARDING <br /> CONTRACT ON SANITARY SEWER <br /> IMPROVEMENT NO. 1973'=1 <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hugo, <br /> Minnesota, as follows: <br /> 1. All bids on construction of Sanitary Sewer Improvement <br /> No. 1973-1 are hereby received and tabulated. <br /> 2. The bid of Hoffman Brothers, Atwater, Minnesota, <br /> in the amount of $ or the construction of said <br /> improvements in ac6ordance- with the plans and specifications <br /> and advertisement for bids is the lowest responsible bid and <br /> shall be and hereby is accepted, contingent, however, upon: <br /> (a) successful sale of bonds by the City to finance said improve- <br /> ment; and (b) final approval of the project by the Department <br /> of Housing and Urban Development. <br /> 3. The Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed <br /> to enter into a contract with said bidder for the construc- <br /> tion of said improvements for and on behalf of the City. <br /> 4. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to <br /> return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their <br /> bids, except that the deposit of the successful bidder and the <br /> next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been <br /> executed. <br /> The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution <br /> was duly seconded by member Donald Lease , and upon <br /> a vote being taken thereon, The foll3w-ingvoted in favor <br /> thereof: LaValle, Lease, Martin, Leroux, Crever <br /> and the following voted against the same : none <br /> Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and <br /> adopted. <br />