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hee 1-Tertin reported for flee Ordinance Comi-i_ttee that the;; met last week <br /> and .%rorlced on t'_r.e proposed sewer and rnolbile !-)_ore ordinances. 1't their <br /> next neetin , triey will discuss thF (aorr ordinance, Fire ordinance, and <br /> any other the council_ wishes to have worked, on, so t1le city code can. be <br /> finalized. <br /> Irene Leroux reported for the Planning; Commission they had met on Farch <br /> 27th and approved a specaal use permit for a, day care center for :r. <br /> and TIrs. James Smith, with certa.ir_ conditions. 1".r. Smith appeared and <br /> said the added cesspool is to be taken care of as soon as possible. <br /> They don't have a. license as yet from the state, as their are waiting <br /> for the council's action on the matter. Tars. Smith now works in the 916 <br /> Vo-Tec Child Care Center and has previously run two other day care <br /> centers, so she is experienced in the fielel, <br /> .otion made by Lerou.., seconded by Martin to grant T'r. and Frs. James <br /> Smith a special use permit for a child care center at 13560 Homestead <br /> Avenue, contingent upon the eleven conditions set forth by the planning; <br /> commission, with the conditions being met prior to one hundred twenty <br /> (120) da;•s. T,;oti on carried. <br /> T.,_rs. Leroux said Richard Vail appeared with another small subdivision, <br /> which will take more review by the planning commission, and Jerry Grund- <br /> hofer and Lauren 4ScCullough appeared re� ardin`- their building two commercial <br /> buildings on Forest 731vd. for rental purposes. <br /> Tom Cr.ever, the building inspector, appeared stating no new building per- <br /> mits had been issued in T'arch. fie said he had gotten. a, (, . 11 on a place <br /> on Goodview and 132nd. Street and wanted direction froi% tlfie council as to <br /> whether he should go out and inspect or not. The clerk is to check with <br /> the assessor on the matter. <br /> Fire Chief Grander reported that the delivery date for the new pumper <br /> will be ;'lay 15th and delivery elate for the new tanker will be April_ 8th. <br /> Fe said apparently no one bid letterinL_ on the tanker. Jl.ttorn.ey Johnson <br /> is to check the contracts regarding lettering. Granger also said tl_e <br /> new decoders arrived for the new prjone system, and the Relief 'lssocia.� <br /> will reimburse the city for their share of the cost. He said the tdlephone <br /> cor.:ipany advised them not to hook up the new system until June 1st, when <br /> the ne•✓ ::e(. -ohone books come out. Granger questioned whether the sewer <br /> department dould like to use: the olcl Dodge Truck, or if he should store <br /> it.. He was told to store it in the old ton hall. <br /> It :•✓asp entioned that the State Fire School will. be held from April 22nd <br /> t.)rougll 25t'-j . " otion made by T"artin and seconded to send one man to the <br /> State Fire Sc_)o c7i'or four days, urith the cit;,T payin,_; '130.00 registration <br /> fee, per dier^, and nil ear,e, and send two men to night classes, paying <br /> registration and mileage. T."otion carried. <br /> Recess called at 8:45 Pl".. Called back to order at 9:05 PT*-. <br /> The Don Tauer situation came up again for discussion. 'Tr. Tauer was <br /> asked to apply for a special use permit, and �,o before the planning <br /> commission �,:pril 9th or 24th. He was told his sewer system would be <br /> considered, alon.E with off street parkin" fire provisions, and the <br /> prenises would have to be inspected by a building inspector. T-lr. <br /> Johnson stated that if 1Tr. Tauer sells his home, the council could be <br /> informed, and the special use permit would be then amended or reviewed <br /> at that point. 1,1r. Tauer's attorney said a state building inspector <br /> would inspect the hor,te before ',*-,ay 6th. <br />