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Z n} <br /> Pext ite1,: on the -�l.:7en �a was an ;'fended Special_ Use ?ermi-t ]"or i;erbert Pecla_lan <br /> of the _'Ker._e Printin._; Co . :or an adJition of a 40' X 85 ' to their pre Sent <br /> building. The Pl_anni_n�7 Com-2iission 1i-ad recut--,r:?ended the peri?'.it be approi e.? , <br /> and. althou�h a sl-Mall site plan was provided, it '..ra.s not mar'-:red. The do-�ct- <br /> clerk was instructed to T;irite to ' r. Peclrr?an, requesting a rore detailcc' <br /> site plan rer-ardinC pa-rkin�7, access, drainer e, etc. , and denctin- each. <br /> 171ic'rard ;rail appeared relating to t'ie denial or ' preliminary plan for <br /> subdivision of evergreen "ills 4t1h +ddition by Plan:lin- Con-rnission. <br /> '.ccordin;; to tl7_e Cori issi oli, this subdivision did not conforrl to the Cor:- <br /> p-rehensive Plan, and there apparentl-; was a problem witr tale proposed sewer <br /> syste.,1s . T.�e Council discussed the subdivision 5lfit'_•i '' <br /> " r. Vail and rnrrineer <br /> -T_o�:ard Truusi_s to, and tee :Collowin; action taken: T"otion i;,wde bar TaValle <br /> seconded by Leroux to de-n Subdivision . pplication approval for Richard <br /> Vail for Tvergreen T7i3_l.s4-t1i .".ddition, a`reein ; with the nlannin;:; Con-mission <br /> that it does not conform to the Corlprehensive Plan and there appears to be <br /> difficulty of on-site sewer syster^ that had not been resolved. T'otion <br /> carried. <br /> Recess rias called at 10:05 P77. Called bac': to order eat 10: 18 PT". <br /> Hobert Severson appeared Jith a request for Variance to build on a one <br /> acre tract on a private road. _ I`r. Biesan„ spo'_re, sa•yinE; Iie had acquired <br /> the lomd rror: "-r. -acl,aur-hlin, and only this one acre piece of the property <br /> was not sold'. . Discussion ensued between the Council, land owner, and I'n„ineer. <br /> T'otion rade and seconded to table the Robert Severson Variance until all- <br /> parties involved discuss the matter with the City Attorize lr and LnE;ineer. <br /> '"otiori carried. <br /> "ayor Lease had prepared a state?ient of police benefits relating to vacation <br /> and holidays which. "::.ere given to the rest of the Council for their review. <br /> "otion glade by 7-actin, seconded B,-• Leroux to adopt the Police Department <br /> Paid Vacation anri TTol-iday Schedule. ;'otion carried . <br /> Flood Insurance Resolutions vias -t-lie ne_.t item up for discussion, and <br /> Clerl, '3ur!Mrd explained to the Council Lo":i the Flood Insurance _T'ro-ran, <br /> Taould wort,. ner; Resolution ;' 1c;71-12, attorney Johnson said it <br /> should be c'•anged. in the 5t1. paragraph, elir,linatin: the words "'.'inn. <br /> Statutes Sections 3311.01 et seq and 5C5.00 to 505.13(Counties) . ' otion <br /> ;lace by haVaIle, seconded by -actin to adopt 11esolution 1974-12, a Resolution <br /> Por Appl:;in; For 'Mood Insurance In '_ lie Ci t�T If T'ut;o, T'innesota. LaValle <br /> heroux, T-artin, Lease for. '_'otion carried. <br /> "otion made by Lease, seconded by '"arti r_ to a.dcpt Resolution_ 1974-13, <br /> Resolution 1'_doptin ; Land Use !,nd Control --ensures In Flood Plain Areas <br /> In The Cit; T'u o, ' innesota., v ithl the clerk's office subr.rittinJ alon <br /> .di t'n the resolutions to t'.J.e Departr..ent of I;atural Resources, a. letter stat- <br /> ing ti,at ;-Tu,;o :has a:_-ricultural land which does not require buildin.-; pernits. <br /> LaValle,, Lem u.,, Fartin for. T-otion carried. <br /> attorney Johnson t, en ientioned t'"'_at t'2e last se-vier caser:lent 1.1,as ready to <br /> be si ;lied b the T'ayor and Cler';. '"otfion �-?ade by Ierou::, seconded by ,"actin <br /> to approve Sewer ''.a.sement for RutTh T, . '-i-ri ;o and Gertri de T7. hitt for 1150 00 <br /> otion carried. <br /> .`_s it ;•gas iearini tl:e adjournr::ent tin?e of 11 :00 F;", t' e Council too' the <br /> folloivin.; action in order to finish. ti.--,e Business on hand: T',otion r..iade by <br /> I:aValle, seconded b.,T Tease to te.r:iporaril_y suspend the rules of resolution <br /> 1 `'74-10. LaValle, Lease, Leroux., ; :a.rtin for. Fotion carried. <br />