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1974.05.29 CC Minutes - Special meeting
City Council
City Council Minutes
1974 CC Minutes
1974.05.29 CC Minutes - Special meeting
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�!ff 20, 1974 1. 13 <br /> ! r. Chapman questioned when the tonin; would be brought before the people <br /> again. PFiayor Lease said hopefully in approximately two months. They now <br /> have a comprehensive sewer map to go along with the zoning map. He also <br /> said they hope to pass the City Code in three to four months. <br /> A woman from the audience questioned whether Hugo had any parks on lakes. <br /> Payor Lease said there is a )ullic access on Bald Eagle Lake, one on <br /> Oneka Lake, and the City iias property ,;n Sunset Lake which is still un— <br /> developed, but there is set aside in 'cI'ie budget "500.00 for this particu— <br /> lar park. Irene Leroux- rs?entior,ed that sortie of the Revenue Sharing li`unds <br /> have already been spent on recreation— the tennis court fence in the City <br /> Park. <br /> 11r. Chapman questioned whether money donated from subdivisions was legally <br /> bound for purchase of more parkland. It was stated no, it could be used <br /> for upkeep of parks. It would depend on what could be worked out. T'ayor <br /> Lease said there was all sorts of potential for parks and wildlife areas <br /> in Hugo, but the problem is getting people to donate the land, as when <br /> you buy, the price really goes up. <br /> Mr. Chapman asked .✓hat type of a rc.,,_d plan was needed and Lease said a <br /> long range road plan plus a financial plan for this, was needed through— <br /> out the entire City. <br /> Pr. Chapman felt the City should contact the Rice Creek datershed Board <br /> regarding the judicial ditch in the Goodview Avenue vicinity. Lease said <br /> if they could get some of the other problems out of the xray, they might <br /> have time to wor'c with the people in areas such as this. He said though, <br /> that he would not want the entire city to pay for firing a ditch only <br /> a few people would benefit by. r_rs. Peltier said the ditch originates in <br /> Section 32, so no one north of there would be assessed. Howard Schletty <br /> said the water table would have to be lowered in order to have a good <br /> road in that area, and the City should do something about it. Lease again <br /> mentioned right now the Council did not have enough time, with the other <br /> problems it faces. <br /> T°-r. Chapman said he thought the sever problems were out of the now. <br /> Lease said there are contracts to be approved by .FTUD, install,ction to <br /> oversee, Sewer Ordinance to pass, and hiring of a Tian or contracting for <br /> maintenance of the sewer soon. <br /> Vern Peloquin appeared. with a problem to discuss with the Council. He said <br /> Jim Olson of Imperial Tool, in Vern' s Industrial Park, was evicted from <br /> his building by Herb Peclea.lan, and Olson would like to purchase a lot from <br /> Vern to build on. Ivir. Olson would like some assurance that the Council <br /> would look favorably upon this purchase. Vern was told they would have <br /> to go throu7h the regular channels, meaning Planning Commission and then <br /> Council, with their plan, and obtain a Special Use Permit. <br /> T'lotion made by Lease, seconded by Leroul; to adjourn at 9:08 P.T`. Flotion carried <br /> Robert L. Durkard, Clerk <br />
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