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JUIN., 3, 197`- <br /> 121 <br /> :Gee I"artin reported that the ordinance committee worked on parts of the <br /> uroposed zoning ordinance already, and they will meet again June 4th, <br /> and will probably be able to have a recoru-,iendation soon to the council. <br /> It was stated -that the ordinance comizittee has set the 1st and Mrd Tuesday of <br /> each month as their meeting nights. <br /> I;ayo-r Lease said he had received a letter from Bill Schwab, and he would <br /> like nominations for the Washington County Park Advisory Committee. <br /> T:ayor Lease also mentioned the council has to solve the problem of the <br /> police chief job. He said he doesn't feel Barth has the experience for <br /> that particular position right now. He felt the council should take a <br /> close lool•,- and r..iaybe come up with another title, such as Senior Patrol <br /> Officer for example. He said Hugo is not ready for a big city type police <br /> chief operation and he would like the council to review the matter. Leroux <br /> suggested iceeping Barth as acting chief, and giving him a raise in pa-r for <br /> the time being. <br /> The old sewer bill of approximately :;18,000.00 was brought up for discussion. <br /> A contract had been received from the I,?etro Sewer Board covering payment <br /> over a period of 15 years. Mayor Lease said this should be reviewed and <br /> action taken shortly. Attorney Johnson said it might be worthwhile to de— <br /> termine what types of contract other cor.viunitics are negotiating. Clerk <br /> Burkard was asked to contact Forest Lake and Forest Lake Tovmship regarding <br /> their contracts. <br /> Lee I`F..r-cj.: h`CL cone investigating regarding; the Shade Tree Desease problem, <br /> and according to the Minnesota Legislature, Hugo must hire a qualified <br /> tree inspector for the control of Shade Tree Desease. If a municipality <br /> does not appoint an inspector within 75 days after A"arch 1 , 1974.9 <br /> the Department of Agriculture can appoint one for the community until such <br /> time as they do themselves. There will be a couple day schools the end <br /> of June and first Dart of July at the University of Plinnesota for people <br /> to become certified in tree inspection. <br /> F'otion made by "artin, seconded by Leroux to adjourn at 11 :00 PIT. Motion <br /> carried. <br /> � o ert L. urkar , Clerk <br />