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1974.07.08 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1974 CC Minutes
1974.07.08 CC Minutes
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JITLY 21 , 1974 NIT UTES 0.2 TIE] PROCEEDINGS OF TTi}J II[JGO CITY COUI`ICIL i <br /> 141 <br /> The special meeting was called to order at 7:25 PI,, by I"ayor Lease. Roll <br /> `..✓as called: pease, LaValle, Leroux, I-•'artin, Smith present. "Ilso present <br /> were the City :".ttDrney and City Engineer. <br /> I•Tayor Lease stated the special meeting was to discuss the Zoning Map, <br /> Oak Vista Estates, possibly the Gun Club Plans, and something on the <br /> Sewer. <br /> The engineer had colored the Comprehensive Sewer Flan on the proposed <br /> zoning map, and council referred to this map during their discussion. <br /> In February of 1974, the planning commission had recommended to the <br /> council, that they approve the zoning reap and ordinance with the following <br /> chant. es: The area 'lest of the new seti-✓ered area be changed from agricultural <br /> to rural residential, and the agricultural zone be brought dov..n to 10 acres. <br /> 1'_ayor Lease said the planning commission had recommended that quite a bit <br /> of the rural area be mural residential., which would reean 3 acre parcels <br /> in a large part of the community. He felt a greater part of this should <br /> be left agricultural for the time being. Leroux agreed. She also said her <br /> son, Jiro I,erol.Lx, could define what exactly is conservancy on the map if <br /> the council wishes. <br /> TTarvin LaValle felt some rural residential could be 5 acres and some 3 acres. <br /> He said the southeast area is extensively large to be put in 3 acre lots. <br /> Lease said that i•rould be opening up approximately 3 square miles to these <br /> small lots. :attorney Johnson mentioned rural residential in that area would <br /> bring a vast amount of non—conforming use, and having taro classifications <br /> of RR makes sense to him, as it tends to go along with the Comprehensive <br /> .'lar_. Ile also said the Ketro Council has a model_ ordinance regarding Con— <br /> servancy, which he will try to get for the next council meeting. <br /> It was mentioned that the TTetro Council would like the severed area to de— <br /> velop in the ;;outherr_ part of Hugo rather than the northern part. LaValle <br /> said he thought you provided the sewer facility and grew out from there. <br /> He could see having Oa« Shore Park severed in five years, and that area <br /> should be S'�?, not R?'., as it all plotted. <br /> The council then proceeded to make a few changes on the map, designating <br /> two classifications of R.R. 3 and 5 acre lots, changing some RR to . �;ricultural <br /> some agricultural back to RR, and sone RR, to SFE. They also felt the t.gri— <br /> cultural zone should be 10 r .ther than 20 acres. <br /> LaValle questioned whether they could use the flood plain maps when desig— <br /> nating; Conservancy. Attorney Johnson said they could add a classification <br /> of Flood lain on the reap. <br /> L .Valle also felt on highway 61 betj•✓een 160th and 175th where ITashville North <br /> and Countryside Center are located, should be zoned as business, as they <br /> aircad;; exist. This then was drai•m in the map as Retail Business. <br /> The nap with various will now go to Consultant Carl Dale for his <br /> review and opinion. <br /> T,'arvin Rehbein appeared regarding having the second condition on one of <br /> his mining; pen-,Ats changed to read that he could tale other jo:)s while <br /> i•rorhin.- on Co. Road Q. and 56. Tease &aid he thought this perrfiit was to <br /> be only for this particular job. LaValle said he cou_l_d see the contractor's <br /> point. I-r. Johnson brought out the fact that in Co 1dition ;;'7, regarding <br /> the bond and letter of credit, covered nothing but the haul routes and <br /> was incorrect. Ile also felt '' 2 should be restated to cover the scope <br /> of the permit . <br />
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