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.AUGUST 19, 1974 17INUTES OF PROC7;EDI1TGS 0 J_'t? _'; CITY COUNCIL CITY 02 <br /> TTUG16 7 <br /> The meeting was called to order at 7: 15 PI i by Mayor Lease . Roll was <br /> called: Lease, LaValle, Leroux, Martin, Smith Present. <br /> The minutes of August 5th were reviewed. Page 3, paragraph 4, line 11— <br /> change word wanted to had intended at Tray Gth meeting. <br /> Motion made and seconded that minutes be ap:froved as amended. Notion <br /> carried. <br /> Potion made and seconded to approve general claims . Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to cash ,120,000.00 in U.S. Treasury Notes and <br /> place in general fund for sewer payments. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to open bids on City Police Car on September 16, <br /> 1974 at 7:15 Pi•i. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded that the following monies be transferred from <br /> Revenue Sharing Funds attributable to 1972; ';5000.00 squad car, 32500.00 <br /> fire department, and ';2157.00 shade tree desease control. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded that Gerald Beach be hired as tree inspectior <br /> for the City of Hugo with the contract to be worked out with Councilman <br /> Smith and Attorney Johnson. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded that amended special use permit for LaTMetti & <br /> Sons be approved for equipment repair building, and at no time shall the <br /> building house more than four (4) full time employees. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded that Mugg's Subdivision be tabled until September <br /> 16th meeting. I,iotion carried. <br /> :.lotion made and seconded that public hearing be held Spetember 16th, 8:00 <br /> P.M. on petition of Dolores LaValle for temporary mobile home permit <br /> under Section D. Notion carried. (LaValle abstained) <br /> Motion made and seconded to renew mobile home permit for George Niron. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to adopt Resolution 1974-17, a Resolution <br /> Designating Polling Places For Elections In Hugo, Minnesota. Potion <br /> carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded that letter of John Eli regarding fences, be <br /> accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded that letter of resignation of Lyndon Ladd be <br />• approved. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded that letter of resignation from Sandra Hanson <br /> be accepted. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded that sewer easement for Dolores La'Talle be <br /> approved. .120.00 easement and '9.00 crop damage. Motion carried <br /> Motion made and seconded that Ray Peltier be hired to paint Fire Dept. <br /> doors at ;3.00 per hour. Notion carried. <br /> Motion made and seconded to adjourn at 11 :00 PM. <br />