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S-JE•r-_C,' 24, 1974 rIIRTEn 7.� 111 M S D T, tCg_ a - <br /> 'T10 t <br /> CITY 02 TIUGO 3 <br /> The informal r eeti:ng opened at 7:07 Fr with i iayor Lease, LaValle, <br /> artin in attendance. Irene Leroux arrived a short time later. Smith <br /> was absent. Clerk Burkard and Deputy Clerk Hanson also attended. <br /> The first to he interviewed was Hrs. Carol Ann 1illiams,who lives in <br /> the City in the Bald Eagle Lake Area. ::ayor Lease explained the salary <br /> would start at ';600.00 per month for full time with an increase of <br /> 050.00 in 3 months. There would be vacation time, but no medical in— <br /> surance or sick pay. ;:r:i. 1illiams felt she had experience in quite <br /> a few fields, and with the public. Clerk Burkard felt the person hired <br /> should have some knowledge of bookkeeping. It was mentioned that approxi— <br /> mately three nights of the month would be required for attendance at j <br /> meeting with perhaps other time off to compensate. <br /> I Text to be interviewed was Astrid Hovey, of ?shite Bear Lake. Hrs. <br /> Hovey had been a deputy cleric for "Mite Bear Township for three years <br /> some time ar;o, so has experience in most fields. She mentioned she is <br /> not too good at bookkeeping, but can take minutes quite well. She has <br /> had police training also, and her home is ten minutes from the Hall. <br /> Third to be interviewed was Hrs. Joan Schmidt. i:ayor Lease gave her <br /> an outline of duties performed by the deputy clerk, and the salary to <br /> start. She questioned the hour schedule, and was told the hours would <br /> probably be 0:00 AI: to 4:30 PI;. She and her husband are in the process <br /> of building a hone near Sunset Lake, so she would soon be a resident <br /> of Hugo. She is making :.,650.00 per month where she works now, and ques— <br /> tioned whether the Council would consider starting at ;650.00. Lease <br /> said the Council would really like to start at 600.00 and raise tc <br /> 650.00 in three months. LaValle mentioned ?"3:1 ,, and this pension plan <br /> was explained to I Irs. Schmidt. <br /> text was Frs. Diane Larson, and ITayor Lease explained duties, starting <br /> salary, hours, etc. Frs. Larson lives in Columbus Township, which is <br /> near Forest Lakc, and Lino Lakes, which is approximately fifteen minutes <br /> from the .all. She mentioned she does record keeping, and knows short— <br /> hand also. <br /> I;.arilyn Bairaktaris was then interviewed, and she has been working for <br /> sevenyears for the Farmers Union B__change Credit Union as a secretary, <br /> and she felt she had plenty experience inall fields necessary for the <br /> position. She takes minutes of board meetings where she now works, so <br /> this would be no problem. She lives on the First Lake in Forest Lake, <br /> likes her present job, but woulillike to be closer to home. <br /> Shirley _ihlberg was the last to be interviewed. She was a policewomen <br /> and store detective at one time and was also an elected clerk in Stone <br /> Dark Illinois, which at that time had a population of 15,000. She lives <br /> in Little Canada, which is fifteen minutes from the Hall. <br /> The members of the Council present said they r:ould decide on a person <br /> by October 1 so she could work with the present deputy during the month <br /> of October. <br /> Intervie:•Ts ended at 9:30 W. <br />