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1974.11.08 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1974 CC Minutes
1974.11.08 CC Minutes
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0- 1 NOVEMBER 18, 1974 <br /> Lease stated that; he called HUD regarding an Audit and his call is <br /> suppose to be returned on November 19th. <br /> Members of the Rice Creek Watershed were introduced to the Council <br /> by Mr. Robert Hamilton, Secretary for the Rice Creek Watershed. The <br /> representative for Washington County stated that they were a State <br /> Agency designed to help with problems. They have responsibility of <br /> taking care of waters in the district and they were very pleased with <br /> the cooperation they have received from the City of Hugo. They do not <br /> Intend to be a block t0 progress and they have tried to be prompt. They <br /> meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. They stated that applications <br /> have been given to the City Clerk but the supply may be depleted by now. <br /> The Board of Managers wanted to know who they would communicate with <br /> in the City of Hugo. No definite answer was given. The question was <br /> asked whether the Rice Creek Watershed wanted to see items that were <br /> changed after their approval was given to an application. They stated <br /> they were not interested in building permits or zoning ordinances; they <br /> were only interested in items that would effect the water. For an example, <br /> if the Rice Creek Watershed approved an application to have the set-back <br /> 100 feet and the Council changed it to 150 foot set-back, the Rice Creek <br /> Watershed would not want to see it again. (This was in regards to set- <br /> backs on a lake) . The Council was told that they do not have to approve <br /> something just because it was approved by the Watershed. Bob Hamilton <br /> stated that items changed that effect the water runoff, etc., the two <br /> permits should be coordinated. The question was asked what was meant <br /> by flood proof. They explained that they calculate the maximum water <br /> level of a lot and a basement cannot be built below this level unless it <br /> is tiled. No basement windows can be built below this level. They were <br /> asked how they account for rise and fall of the lake on Engineering <br /> studies. They said they look at standard 100 year storm events and <br /> calculate what water would accumulate. They look at old maps and <br /> records and anticipate the average and calculate estreme highs to deter- <br /> mine maximum elevation. Hamilton stated they try to protect people that buy <br /> land in a dry year. Howard Kuusisto asked who could initiate a study <br /> and if the Rice Creek Watershed initiated a study, who would pay for it. <br /> People in a municipality could petition for a study and the Board can <br /> finance projects that a very small. On vast projects, financing could <br /> be done by a general levy, block assessments or individual property <br /> owner assessment, depending on who profits by the project. The Rice <br /> Creek Watershed has an Administrative fund but they do not have a <br /> Maintenance fund. They hope to have a Maintenance fund in the future. <br /> They have the power to assess under Minnesota Statue No. 112. Mr. <br /> Johnson asked if they had a staff who could check for pending assess- <br /> ments? Mr. Hamilton stated that assessments they would make would be <br /> so small that they would not go from one tax year to the next. Assess- <br /> ments have not been a problem. Public Hearings are always held prior <br /> to an assessment. Mr. LaValle wanted to know if the Rice Creek Water- <br /> shed had jurisdiction over judicial and county ditches in Washington <br /> County. The answer was yea. Mr. LaValle asked if they plan to do <br /> research to determine which ditches are judicial, which are private, <br /> and which are county? Rice Creek Watershed stated their attorney has <br /> the best records possible but they are not perfect. <br /> A discussion was held on the water problem at Horse Shoe Lake. There <br /> is a difference of opinion as to which way the water runs. Howard Kuusist4 <br /> report stated the water ran to the north. Lease stated that the Rice <br /> Creek Watershed and Council were at an impass until the people in the <br /> area were in agreement. It was decided that Howard Kuusisto and the <br /> Rice Creek Watershed engineer would get together and do a small study <br />
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