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All that part of the Northeast 1 /4 of Section 17, Township 31 , Mange 21 , Washington <br /> County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection o' the Easterly <br /> right of way line of Minnesota State Trunk Highway 61 and the East and West 1/4 line of <br /> said Section 17; thence Northerly along said Easterly right of Way line 266 feet to the <br /> Point of Beginning of the parcel to be described; thence continuing along said Easterly <br /> line, 1;00 feet to a point ; thence on a deflection angle of 77 degrees 45' to the right, <br /> 464.92 feet to a point ; thence on a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the right a distance <br /> of 391.62 feet to a point ; thence on a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the right , a <br /> distance of 371 .01 feet to a point ; thence on a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the <br /> left, 95 feet to a point ; thence on a deflection angle of SO degrees to the right a dis- <br /> tance of 200 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 5 acres, more or less. <br /> EXCEPT . <br /> All that part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 17, Section 17 , Township 31 North, Range <br /> 21 West Washington County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the intersec- <br /> tion of the Easterly right of way line of Minnesota State Trunk Highway 61 , and the East <br /> and West 3 /4 line of said Section 17; thence Northerly along said Easterly right of way <br /> line 266 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel to be described; thence continuing <br /> along said right of way line 97.21 feet ; thence on a deflection angle of 77 degrees 45 ' <br /> t^ the right 179.31 feet; thence on a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the right , 95 <br /> At ; thence on a deflection angle of 30 degrees to the right, 200 feet to the Point of <br /> ginning and containing 0.42 acres, more or less. r. <br /> AND EXCEPT <br /> That part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 17, Township 31 North, Range 21 West , Washington <br /> County , Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Easterly <br /> right-of-way line of Minnesota State Trunk Highway 61 and the East and West 1/4 line of <br /> said Section 17; thence Northerly along said Easterly right-of-way line 766 feet to the <br /> point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence on a deflection angle of 77 <br /> degrees 45 ' to the right, 464.92 feet ; thence on a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the E <br /> right a distance of 100.0 feet ; thence on a deflection angle of 90 degrees to the right , ;; <br /> A distance of 486.3 feet, more or less, to the Easterly right-of-way line of Minnesota <br /> State Trunk Highway 61 ; thence on a deflection angle o: 102 degrees 15 ' a distance of <br /> 102.34 feet to the point of beginning; containing 1 .2 acres, more or less. Subject to <br /> easements and reservations of record. <br /> According to the United States Government survey thereof. <br /> AND EXCEPT <br /> Thu.: part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 17, Township 31 North, Range 21 West, Washington <br /> County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Easterly <br /> right-of-way line of Minnesota State Trunk Highway No. 61 and the East and West 1/4 line <br /> of said Section 17; thence Northerly along said Easterly right-of-way line 663.66 feet <br /> to the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence on a deflection angle <br /> of 77 degrees 45' to the right, 486.63 feet; thence on a deflection angle of 90 degrees <br /> to the right, a distance of 115.0 feet; thence on a deflection angle of 90 degrees to <br /> the right, a distance of 511 .60 feet, more or less, to the Easterly .. ght-of-way line <br /> iinneaota State Trunk Highway 61 ; thence on a deflection angle of 102 degrees 15' , a <br /> __tante of 117.68 feet to the point of beginning; containing 1 .3 acres, more or less. <br /> Subject to and including any valid easements, restrictions and reservations, according <br /> to the United States Government Survey thereof. <br />