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during the hours prohibited in paragraphs (A) and (B) of this <br /> section. <br /> Sec. 72 .40 Defenses <br /> (A) It is an affirmative defense for a juvenile to prove <br /> that : <br /> (1) the juvenile was accompanied by his or her parent, <br /> guardian, or other responsible adult . <br /> (2) the juvenile was engaged in a lawful employment activity <br /> or was going to or returning home from his or her place <br /> of employment . <br /> (3) the juvenile was involved in an emergency situation. <br /> (4) the juvenile was going to, attending, or returning home <br /> from an official school, religious, or other recreational <br /> activity sponsored and/or supervised by a public entity <br /> or a civic organization. <br /> (5) the juvenile was on an errand at the direction of a <br /> parent or guardian. <br /> (6) the juvenile was exercising First Amendment rights <br /> protected by the United States Constitution or Article I <br /> of the Constitution of the State of Minnesota. <br /> (7) the juvenile was engaged in interstate travel . <br /> (8) the juvenile was on the public right-of-way boulevard or <br /> sidewalk abutting the property containing the juvenile' s <br /> residence or abutting the neighboring property, <br /> structure, or residence . <br /> Sec. 72 .50 Penalty <br /> (A) Violation of Section 3 (A) or (B) will be prosecuted <br /> pursuant to Minn. Stat . §260 . 195 and will be subject to the <br /> penalties therein. <br /> (B) Violation of Section 3 (C) or (D) is a misdemeanor and <br /> will be subject to the penalty set forth in Minn. Stat . §609 . 09 (3) . <br /> Sec. 72 . 60 Constitutionality <br /> If any portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held <br /> invalid or unconstitutional, such portion shall be deemed a <br /> separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding <br /> shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof . <br /> 3 <br />