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shall thereupon give notice to the owner of the impoundment or, if <br /> the owner is unknown, or cannot reasonably be reached, shall post <br /> notice of the impoundment at the City Hall (and at such other <br /> places as may be designated by the City Council) . If such dog is <br /> not claimed within ten (10) calendar days of such posted notice and <br /> all fees and charges paid, the Animal Warden shall place the dog in <br /> the custody of a suitable person or shall humanely euthanize the <br /> animal . Any dog restrained or impounded shall receive humane <br /> treatment and sufficient food, water and shelter. <br /> Sec . 30 . 18 . Sanitation. <br /> Any person who owns, keeps or harbors any dog, must <br /> removed all dog feces, on a daily basis, from all enclosed dog runs <br /> or kennels, and must remove, on a daily basis, any accumulations of <br /> dog feces which are visible from any location outside the boarders <br /> of that person' s property. <br /> Sec . 30 . 19 . Impounding and Boarding Fees . <br /> (a) The Animal Warden may charge such reasonable <br /> impounding fees for the care and board of any dog restrained or <br /> impounded and any and all such fees so imposed shall be paid to the <br /> Animal Warden at the time of reclaiming the dog. The City Council <br /> shall annually review all fees so imposed by the Animal Warden to <br /> determine their reasonableness, and may, by resolution, impose such <br /> additional fees reasonably related to the necessary and reasonable <br /> expenses incurred by the City for the capture, transportation, <br /> and/or care of impounded dogs . All such fees must be paid to the <br /> Animal Warden prior to release of the animal . The Animal Warden <br /> shall issue a receipt to the owner evidencing such payment . <br /> (b) In the case where an animal has been impounded whose <br /> rabies vaccination and City dog license are not current, no dog <br /> shall be released unless the owner agrees to have the dog <br /> vaccinated and licensed within three (3) days from the time of <br /> release . At the time of the dog' s release, the owner shall be <br /> required to sign a document acknowledging that the dog' s rabies <br /> vaccination and/or City dog license are not current . The Animal <br /> Warden shall immediately provide a copy of such document to the <br /> City Clerk and to the appropriate law enforcement officer. It <br /> shall be the responsibility of the dog owner to have the dog <br /> vaccinated as provided in Section 30 . 9 of this Ordinance, and/or to <br /> have the dog licensed as provided in Section 30 . 7 of this <br /> Ordinance. If evidence of the required vaccination or dog <br /> licensing is not received by the City Clerk within the specified <br /> three (3) day period, a citation may be issued. <br /> Rev. 10/17/95 10 <br />