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1995.10.16 ORD 1995-306
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1995 CC Ordinances
1995.10.16 ORD 1995-306
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Last modified
10/26/2017 2:11:51 PM
Creation date
10/8/2015 2:52:47 PM
City Council
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Meeting Date
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attention of the City Clerk and shall describe the dog, state the <br /> acts committed by the dog, the name and address of the person <br /> owning or harboring the dog, and the name and the address of the <br /> person making the complaint . The City Clerk shall then promptly <br /> notify the person owning or harboring the dog of the acts <br /> complained of, either by letter or door tag, and shall request <br /> that the nuisance be abated or eliminated within a specified time <br /> period. The City Clerk shall also cause the Animal Control Officer <br /> or law enforcement officer to investigate and file a report on the <br /> complaint . <br /> (c) Upon receipt of a second complaint of a violation of <br /> this Ordinance, the City Clerk shall cause the Animal Control <br /> Officer or law enforcement officer to investigate and file a second <br /> report on the complaint . If the offense is corroborated by the <br /> investigation, the City Clerk shall, by certified letter, notify <br /> the person owning or harboring the dog of the violations complained <br /> of, and require that the nuisance be abated or eliminated within <br /> twenty-four (24) hours or some other reasonable time specified in <br /> the letter. A copy of the letter shall be mailed to the Animal <br /> Control Officer and a copy shall be mailed to the person making the <br /> complaint . <br /> (d) If the owner fails to take corrective action within <br /> twenty-four (24) hours (or within the time specified in the <br /> letter) , the City Clerk shall contact the appropriate law <br /> enforcement agency and/or the City Attorney, inform them of the <br /> alleged violation, and request that the owner be cited. <br /> Sec . 30 . 14 . Dangerous Dog Prohibition. <br /> (a) It shall be illegal for any person to own, keep, <br /> possess or harbor any dog that has been declared a dangerous dog or <br /> potentially dangerous dog. This prohibition shall apply whether <br /> said declaration has occurred in the City or in some other <br /> jurisdiction. This prohibition shall also apply whether said <br /> declaration was made pursuant. to M.S . §347 . 50 or pursuant to <br /> another statute or ordinance which is substantially similar to M. S . <br /> §347 . 50 . <br /> 1 . If a dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog has <br /> bitten a person, then the dogshall first be <br /> quarantined according to the provisions of Section <br /> 30 . 10 . Following said quarantine period, then the <br /> provisions of paragraphs (a) 2 & 3 of this Section <br /> shall apply. <br /> 2 . The Animal Control Officer or law enforcement <br /> officer shall immediately seize and impound any <br /> dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog that is <br /> Rev. 10/17/95 8 <br />
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