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Section 120-11. DUTIES AND OBLI- Section 120-13. THE PROCESS FOR <br /> GATIONS OF THE LICENSED HAUL- DESIGNATED TARGETED RECY- <br /> ER CLABLES <br /> All haulers of waste products and ma- Additional recyclable materials may Subd.C.Farmers subject to Minneso- <br /> terials shall comply with the following be designated as recyclables by resolu- to Statute, Section 17.135 may burn or <br /> operational requirements.Failure to ob- tion of the City Council after the effec- bury solid waste generated from their <br /> serve these provisions may be a basis tive date of this Ordinance.The designa- farming operations,or from their indi- <br /> for suspension or revocation of a license. tion process will be as follows: vidual household,on their farm,subject <br /> Subd.A The licensee shall operate in a Subd.A Each licensed collector shall to the following conditions: <br /> manner consistent with its application be given ninety (90) days notice of the 1.All burning of solid waste is per- <br /> materials, and shall provide notice to proposed additions to the list of targeted formed in compliance with Hugo City <br /> the City within ten (10) days of any recyclables.The notice shall specifical- Code,Chapter 110,and Minnesota Stat- <br /> change of the information,forms,or cer- ly describe the designated material(s) ute,Chapter 88 et seq. <br /> tificates filed as part of the application proposed for addition,and describe how 2.All burying of solid waste shall be <br /> process. the addition might affect the duties and done at a consolidated location designat- <br /> Subd. B The licensee shall comply obligations of the licensee. ed on a farm site plan approved by the <br /> with all City,County,State and Federal Subd.B Each licensed collector shall Hugo City Council. <br /> laws and regulations. also be given written notice of at least 3. burying and burning solid <br /> Subd.C As of June 1,1995,no collec- ten(10)days in advance of the time and waste Allu be performed in such ofa men- <br /> tion of MSW shall be made except be- date of the Council meeting that will ner thateshallo materialfr in solid,semisolid,the hours of seven o'clock (7:00 consider the proposed addition to a list liquid gaseous form is releasedmiinto <br /> AM)and five o'clock(5:00 PM)Mondayof targeted recyclables. <br /> surface waters, ground waters, or the <br /> and Friday. Operation during these Subd.C Notice shall be given by regu- <br /> may have service moved back or lar U.S.mail to the address provided on atmosphere,which because of its quan- <br /> forward one day to accommodate recog- the most recent license application. tity, concentration, chemical or infec- <br /> Section 120-14.SUSPENSION OR RE- tious characteristics,may cause,or sig- <br /> conditions,cnational natural <br /> poor weather nificantly contribute to an increase in <br /> and natural disasters. Cus- VOCATION OF A LICENSE <br /> The CityCouncil may suspend or re- mortality,or an increase in serious,ir- <br /> thethmer specific day reasonablyorthecollection notified of reversible,or incapacitating reversible <br /> for the of yoke the license to any violation <br /> c latio whose illness,or pose a substantial present or <br /> their MSW,and the hse licensee shall collect Multiple <br /> Ordinatcs found which be posesisla threat to <br /> potential threat to human health or the <br /> the materials on those days. Multi le Ordinance, or a threat to <br /> Y P environment. <br /> residential dwellings,as defined in this the public's health, safety, or welfare. <br /> g 4.All burying and burning of solid <br /> Ordinance, and manufactured home Such revocation or suspension may only <br /> parks are not restricted to these days of occur following a public hearing, of waste shall be performed in such man- <br /> which the licensee has received prior no- ner and location that the site of the bury- <br /> service is where combined collection ingor burningdoes not become a breed- <br /> er'sservice is provided through a homeown- lice. Sufficient notice to the licensee <br /> shall be a written statement of the date, ing or nesting site for rodents,vermin, <br /> meassociation or facilities manage- or wild animals,or attract rodents,ver- <br /> ment firm. time,location,and purpose of the hear- min, or wild animals on a reoccurring <br /> Subd.D The licensee shall offer cus- ing, deposited, postage paid, with the <br /> U.S. Postal Service, at least ten days basis. <br /> rate/volumeureat minimum, a three-tiredatprior to the hearing, and addressed to Section 120-17.SEVERABILITY <br /> option, where the rate In the event that a court of competent <br /> charged for the collection of materials the licensee's business address,as listed <br /> increases with the volume collected.At on the licensee's most recent application jurisdiction adjudges any part of this or- <br /> a minimum,rates will be set for the fol- for a license,license renewal,or written dinance to be invalid, such judgement <br /> lowing categories: notice to the City of address change. shall not affect any other provisions of <br /> 1.30gallon service 2.60gallon service Section 120-15. STORAGE AND this ordinance not specifically included <br /> PLACEMENT FOR COLLECTION within the judgement. <br /> tt.90 gallon appliancesp4.Recyclable.Yardcollec-aSection 120-18.PENALTY <br /> serviceion 5. Major 6. waste Subd. A Platted .eside placed areas cs of <br /> the City shall have MSW at curb- Any person convicted of violating this <br /> side on the day of collection.In platted ordinance shall be guilty of a misde- <br /> shallSubd.E Each licensed MSW collector estate and rural areas of the City,con- meanor,and shall be subject to a fine, <br /> sruc onlyvehiclest es andn equipmenttwillot tainers and bags may be placed at the imprisonment,or both,as specified by <br /> constructed that the vehicles and will ip- end of the driveway on collection day.At State Statute,including recovery of ex- <br /> leak or seal. The pequip- incurred in prosecution. Such <br /> meat shall also be kept clean and as free all other times,the containers shall be penses <br /> P so located,in so far as possible,out of penalty may be imposed in addition to <br /> from offensive odors possible, and suspension or revocation of a license. <br /> shall not stand in anypublicplace long- public view in a secure place. Pe <br /> g <br /> er than is reasonably necessary to col- Subd.B Beginning on June 1,1995,any Section 120-19.EFFECTIVE DATE solid waste container exceeding seventy This Ordinance shall be in full force <br /> lett MSW.The licensee shall also insure five(75)gallons in size,and located on and effect from and after its passage <br /> that the immediate collection site is left property used for purposes other than and publication. <br /> tidy and free of litter. single family residential, shall be con- Upon roll call,voting AYE: Bernard <br /> Subd. F The licensee shall offer ser- tained within a building or within a se- Brunotte, James Leroux, Fran Mironp <br /> vice to every resident in the City, who cure area which has an impermeable and Walter Stoltzman <br /> desires such service from the licensee, floor surface, and is enclosed and Voting NAY:NONE <br /> at a consistent rate as defined by vol- screened within a 90%or greater,anon•,. Whereupon said Ordinance was de- <br /> ume in Section 120-11,Paragraph D. wooden or iiitI pence or masonry wall dared passed and adopted this 5th day - <br /> Section 120-12.MANDATORY RECY- not less than six(6)feet in height having of December,1994. <br /> CLING FOR SOLID WASTE HAULERS a gate or doorway which remains closed /s/Walter L.Stoltzman <br /> Each licensed MSW hauler shall pro- except for access purposes. All enclo- Walter L.Stoltzman,Mayor <br /> vide its customers with an opportunity sures must be large enough to allow for ATTEST: <br /> to recycle through weekly collection of storage of recyclable material contain- /s/Mary Ann Creager <br /> targeted recyclables. ers. Mary Ann Creager,City Clerk <br /> Subd.A The curbside collection of tar- Subd. C All containers for garbage, (Published in THE TIMES <br /> geted recyclables shall be on the same other refuse, and yard waste shall be December 15,1994) <br /> day as the collection of other materials made of metal or other suitable materi- <br /> but may occur at a different time within al,which is rodent and water proof,and <br /> that day.The targeted recyclables col- fire resistant,and which will not easily <br /> lection shall be from a location at or corrode.Containers shall be kept tightly <br /> near the customer's collection point for closed.Garbage,other refuse,recycla- <br /> other materials or some other location bles,and yard waste may be kept in a <br /> mutually agreeable to the hauler and the plastic bag of such strength that the con- <br /> customer. tents therein will not rip,tear,or punc- <br /> Subd.A At a minimum,the materials ture the plastic bag. <br /> collected shall be those designated as Subd.D All yard waste to be picked up <br /> targeted recyclables by the City. by a licensed hauler shall be placed in <br /> Subd. C In each instance where a li- separate bags or containers, and shall <br /> censee does not collect recyclable mate- not contain garbage,other refuse,recy- <br /> rials from a residence or business,ade- clables,or major appliances. <br /> quate notification as to why the Section 120-16.FARM WASTE <br /> recyclable material was not picked up Subd.A.In order to protect the public <br /> must be left with recyclable materials health,and if no other environmentally <br /> left at the curbside. safe method is reasonable available, <br /> Subd.D The licensee is also deemed carcasses of domestic livestock may be <br /> the owner of the recyclables upon collec- buried on agricultural property that is <br /> tion,the licensee is responsible for mar- under the ownership or lease of the indi- <br /> keting or disposing of targeted recycla- vidual owning the animal. <br /> bles to the appropriate recycling Subd.B.Organic farm waste may be <br /> facility. composted or integrated into the soil to <br /> improve soil conditions for agricultural <br /> operations. <br />