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(9) Ogper. A Person, other than a lien holder, having ownership of, � <br />or The to, an MRV. <br />\ <br />`-� <br />(10) pgryoln. An individual, partnership, corporation, the State and <br />its agencies, and subdivisions, and any body of persons, whether <br />incorporated or not. <br />(11) Property lying outside of the public's <br />Right -of -Way. <br />(12) Land over which roadways are constructed and/or <br />maintained for the benefit of the public by [the City or any <br />governmental body] having title or other property rights in any <br />such lands, including the traveled surfaces, shoulders, inside <br />banks, ditch bottoms, outside banks, to the extent they exist, <br />together with any other property extending to abutting private <br />property. <br />(13) Agulder. The improved portion of the Right -of -Way immediately <br />adjacent to the Traveled Surface of the roadway. <br />(14) That portion of the Right -of -Way improved and <br />used for vehicular traffic. <br />181-2. JURISDICTION. <br />This Ordinance shall regulate the operation of Motorized Recreational <br />'- ehicles on public and private lands, public Rights -of -Way, parks, and <br />-public waters within public wildlife management areas so long as they ars <br />under the jurisdiction of the State of Minnesota, within the City. <br />181-3. OPERATION ON PUBLIC LANDS, PUBLIC ROADS, AND PUBLIC WATER <br />RESTRICTED. <br />(1) Except as provided in Paragraph 4 below, no Owner shall permit <br />the Operation of, and no Operator under age 16, shall Operate an MRV on <br />any roadway, or within the Right-of-way of any City road, except that this <br />prohibition shall not be interpreted to restrict the ability of licensed <br />motor vehicles or licensed motorcycles from use of the Traveled Surface <br />pursuant to State law. <br />(2) No Owner shall permit the Operation of, and no Operator shall <br />Operate, an MRV on or in any public park, public nature preserve, <br />restricted public property, or public waters, except that this restriction <br />shall not apply for those public waters under the jurisdiction of the <br />Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. <br />(3) Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to prohibit or restrict <br />public officials and law enforcement officers from operating any type of <br />vehicle on public or private lands and waters when acting within the scope <br />of official duties and employment. <br />. (4) A Group I MRV may be operated within the Right -of -Way of a City <br />/ \ <br />road under the following restrictions: <br />`-' <br />