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Subd. D. Sale to Persons Under 18 Prohibited. No <br />person shall sell or give away anv cigarette, <br />cigarette paper or cigarette wrapper to any Person <br />below the age of 13 years. <br />Subd. F. Prohibited Ingredients. No person shall <br />keep for sale, sell, or dispose of anv cigarette con- <br />taining opium, morphine, jimson weed, bella donna, <br />strychnia, cocaine, marijuana, or anv other_ deleterious <br />or poisonous drug except nicotine. <br />Section 7. TRA.ISFEP. Licenses shall not be transferrable from <br />person to another. <br />Section 8. REVOCATIO`T. Every license may be revoked by the <br />Council for a violation of anv provision of this Ordinance, when the <br />licensee has been given a reasonable notice and an opportunity to be <br />heard. There shall be no refund of license fee upon revocation. <br />Section 9. PENALTY. Any person who shall violate anv provision <br />of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction <br />thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $300.00, or by <br />imprisonment for not to exceed 90 days. <br />Section 10. REPEAL OF EXISTING OPDIN?►NCE. Ordinance Number 36 <br />entitled "An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Retail Sale of <br />Cigarettes and Cigarette Wrappers" adopted 24th day of November, 1941, <br />is hereby repealed. <br />Section 11. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect <br />and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. <br />Passed and approved this 13th day of. March, 1972. <br />Published in the White Bear. Press on the 1�dav of March, 1972. <br />