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r <br />ORDINANCE NO. 111 <br />AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND CONTROLLING THE USE OF SNOWMOBILES IN <br />THE VILLAGE OF HUGO, MINNESOTA. <br />The Village Council of the Village of Hugo ordains: <br />Section 1. DEFINITIONS. For the purpose of this Ordinance, <br />the terms defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them: <br />Subd A. "Person" includes an individual, partnership, <br />corporation, the state and its agencies and subdivisions, <br />and any body of persons, whether incorporated or not. <br />Subd. B. "Snowmobile" means a self-propelled vehicle <br />designed for travel on snow or ice or natural terrain <br />steered by wheels, skis or runners. <br />Subd. C. "Owner" means a person, other than a lien <br />holder having the property in or title to a snowmobile <br />and entitled to the use or possession thereof. <br />Subd. D. "Operate" means to ride in or on, and control <br />the operation of a snowmobile. <br />Subd. E. "Operator" means every person who operates <br />or is in actual physical control of a snowmobile. <br />Section 2. Except as herein specifically permitted and auth- <br />orized, it is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile within <br />the limits of the Village of Hugo: <br />Subd. A. On the portion of any right of way of any <br />public highway, street, road, trail or alley used for <br />motor vehicle travel, except the most right hand lane <br />(except in passing) which is used for vehicle traffic <br />in the same direction, other than on freeways, inter- <br />state, trunk, county state -aid, or county highways. <br />Snowmobiles may also be operated upon the ditch bottom <br />where lawfully so posted or the outside bank of trunk, <br />county state -aid and county highways where such high- <br />ways are so configured within the corporate limits. <br />Subd. B. On a public sidewalk provided for pedestrian <br />travel. <br />Subd. C. On boulevards within any public right of <br />way. <br />Subd. D. On private property of another without specific <br />'permission of the owner or person in control of said <br />property. <br />