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ORDINANCE NO. 114 <br />AN ORDINANCE REGULATING I�LpOUNDING OF DOGS, AND ESTABLISHING FEES. <br />The Village Council of the Village of Huqo, Washington County, <br />Minnesota, hereby ordains: <br />Section 1. IMPOUNDING. The ooundmaster and every police <br />officer shall impound any dog found unlicensed or running at large <br />in violation of Hugo Ordinance No. 52, or any dog at large and con- <br />stituting a nuisance, and shall give notice of the impounding to the <br />owner of such dog if known. In case the owner is unknown, such <br />officer shall post notice at the Village Hall that if the dog is not <br />claimed within 5 days of the posting of the notice, it will be killed. <br />If such dog is not claimed within the time specified and all the fees <br />and charges paid, the poundmaster shall kill such dog and dispose of <br />its carcass, unless it is requested by a licensed educational or <br />scientific institution under Minnesota Statutes Section 35.71. <br />Section 2. POUNDMASTER APPOINTMENT. The Village Council <br />shall appoint a dogcatcher who shall also serve as Poundmaster. <br />Section 3. FEES. The poundmaster shall house and feed in a <br />humane manner any dog held at the pound. An impounding fee of $6.00 <br />and a charge of $2.00 per day for feeding shall be imposed for any <br />dog held at the pound,+and said fees shall be in addition to any <br />other penalties provided for violation of any of the Ordinances of <br />the Village of Hugo. <br />Section 4. OFFICER'S POWERS. To enforce this Ordinance, . <br />said officers are empowered and instructed to enter upon any private <br />premises, <br />Section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect <br />and be in force from and after its passage and publication according <br />to law. <br />Section 6. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINA'QCES. Section 6 of <br />Ordinance No. 52, entitled "An Ordinance Licensing And Regulating <br />The Keening Of Dogs", published the 12th day of April, 1962, and <br />Ordinance No. 64, entitled "An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 52 <br />Section 6 Entitled Impounding."; dated the 5th day of May, 1969, are <br />hereby repealed. <br />Passed and approved this P7 day of December, 1973. <br />MAYOR <br />ATTEST: <br />L <br />f <br />Published in the White Bear Press on the.& day of December, 1973. <br />