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"17 <br />The <br />held <br />w the <br />even - <br />1974_ <br />IS OF <br />If the <br />are <br />of <br />I be <br />in <br />n e for � ll of <br />two _ -. <br />ItyCwnciI this 16 day <br />of : 1 4. a <br />MAYOR <br />ATTEST:.:'' <br />-s-Robed+l� �iiksrd <br />city clefiv, <br />(Published in the Forest Lake Times <br />September 26. 1974.) <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA ' SS. <br />County of Washington <br />Uual., A. Ita•II:4Uelt, 1. 1:.y duly sworit, uu .,j I! s.qs: I bat 1 Is, it. l .1 -ii .:.111 It.,- Ite•n lay.•iit stated Icts <br />been, the {.u1+1'Sler 0 the newspai•-r known as the fm-rst Like lou.••, is •1 his hill law% cdlr of IN- farts <br />hereinafter stated; this r r two )cars p o c, the P111011, A1111) therem A ue .................. . <br />Forest Lake dimes <br />. . . . . . ............................................................... <br />h•reuiaL•er descntmd, sat I news{:aIwr was { tinted and publisl.ed its flu• %IIli ge of forest lake ill the t uunly <br />of V1,30:rg'on, Stale r.l `l:nraa�ta, on I I,uratla) ..1 rat Is w.•rk; Mal .luro.r all .aid little said newspapt•r has <br />Bern printed m file English langwge tit o issl.a{er format and ut t olwnn I -el I.n'tn equivalent in printed <br />space to at It-ast 91,00sgLLY•e Int he., msbeetl dlstrit,ua•d al least once earl. A.•rk; has had at bast 50 percent of <br />its news columns de\riled Its news of loyal interest t.. the vottill.unity Alar 11 11 purisswis to serae; has twen <br />circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, and has lead at least 500 copies regularly <br />delivered to paying subst ribers, and has hadanaverage of at least 75 percent of its lulal circulation currently <br />paid or no more than three months 1n arr.-ars, and has had entry as serond-class otaller in the Forest lake <br />post office; has its known office oI Issue established nl the Pillage of forest lake and ul the Country of <br />Washington; has filed a copy of each bsoe utlnu•dialely with the stale Ihstorical Siwiety; has filed with the <br />secretary of slate prior to January I of each year an affidavit signed b) list• puhlt.% er or managing officer and <br />sworn to before a notary public slating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper, and has complied with aQ <br />of the foregoing ronditfuns for at least two years last past; <br />Public Notice <br />That the ............. ..........................................hereto attached <br />was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, <br />once each week, for . , ,one . ,successive weeks; that milt was first w published oro Thursday, <br />the . . .26th. of ... September . , . , , , ,19!.4.., and thereafter on Thursday of <br />each week to and including the .. 26th of ....`Se2tV09r..........1974..., <br />and thal the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to !, both inclusive, and is hereby <br />acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: <br />6 -point News Type--abcdefghllklmoopgrstuvwaya <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th .... SgPlil.,.•..t.••ttRi4•i. <br />(� (n� - • PATSY BRANDENBURG <br />1 NOTARY PUBLIC -MINNESOTA <br />• _; CH. -A•;0 COUNTY <br />.. My Commi.,sisn Expit*$ Iely 2lf sgl <br />Notary Pubic County, Minn. My comm xpiYres".................... . <br />