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1974.11.04 ORD 1974-117
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1974 CC Ordinances
1974.11.04 ORD 1974-117
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OR IAi . � - i .• 7{-117 <br />A 1 N <br />N.ryt*�*31. HugoTING <br />as <br />All <br />lFil tis111A�.y <br />onald E. Lase <br />MAYOR <br />M� iiw the ureal Lake Times <br />ml+en 14 1974.► <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA ! <br />County of Washington <br />Uuao.• A. lla,n:ussen, duly sworn, un .utb say,: I lut I..• is, .u..l .lul .. c ell it.. 111114•. IN•tem started has <br />bppn, the publtsl•er ul the newspai-r known as the Forest take Ijow�., u..l lots full known ge of thr (:tris <br />hereinafter staled; flat I r two years pour t . the publi. Mum therem .J 11%.... ............... . <br />Forest Lake Times <br />..................................................................... <br />ht:reuwlter desentotd, sail newspaper was panted and publtslwd sit the Village of Forest lake tit file lounly <br />at %kasP:rgttrt, State of `.hnaowta, on I hursday of ea, It a.wk; that .turns Al %alit time said n.•wspaper las <br />Liven printed in the kngbsh language in newspaloer format anJ m column end sbt•et luno equivalent in printed <br />space to at (vast 900squn�emt hp,,,tasbeen distribun•d at least once east, w.vk; has had at least 50 percent of <br />its news columns devoted to trews of local Interest h. the congn.umly which It pugnrts to serve; has been <br />circulated in and near the municipality which it I.urpurts at serve, attd has lout of least 500 copies regularly <br />delivered to paying subscribers, and has hadanaverage of at least 75 percent of its total circulation currently <br />paid or no more than three months to arrears, and has had entry as second-class matter in thor Forest lake <br />post office; has its known office of issue established in lite Village oI Forest lake and in Ito County tut <br />Washinfiton; las filed a copy of each issue uoolrdiately with the Slate Ilisturical SocN•ly; has filed with flip <br />secretary of state prior to January 1 of each year an affidavit signed by the publisher or managing officer and <br />sworn to before a notary publit stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper; and has compiled with all <br />of the foregoing #!onditiuns for at least two years last past; <br />That the ..Public Notice.......................................hereto attached <br />was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the Lnglish language, <br />once each week, for .. One............successive weeks; that it was first so published on Thursday, <br />7th November <br />the of .. ............... 18.74 ., and thereafter on Thursday of <br />each week to and including the ..74 <br />.?til of , .November.............19......, <br />and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z. both inclusive, and is hereby <br />acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: <br />!-point News Type--abedefghflklmaopgrstuvways <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... 7th..... ...... $YR18.tL ...•.•.,..a9. 4. <br />,... ,...,, PATSY BRAi''"EffBIJR6 <br />:=�3, A NOTARYCNISAGC . tw.NNESOTA <br />Notary Public, County, Minn. My co issi _ *•' ..... al <br />� .... . .. holy <br />lfll <br />
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