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STATE OF MINNESOTA SS. <br />County of Washington <br />Duane A. Rasmussen, being duly sworn, on oath says: That he is, and during all the limes herein staled has been, the publisher <br />ofthenewspaper known as the Forest Lake Times. and has ful I knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for two years <br />prior to the publication therein of the......Orest ...........�Ce....Time ............................ <br />i <br />hereinafter described4 said newspaper was printedand published in the Village ofForest Lake in the County of Washington. <br />State of Minnesota, on Thursday of each week: that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the English <br />language in newspaper format and in columnand sheet form equivalent in printed space loatleasl900square inches. has been <br />dislributedasleast once each week. has had atleast 50percentof its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the <br />community which it purports to serve; has been circulated in and near the municipality which itpurporls to serve, and has had <br />at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and has had an average of at least 75 percent of its total <br />circulation currently paidornomore than three months inarrears,and has had entry as second-class matter in the Forest <br />Lake post office; has its known oft ice of isWe established in the V it Iage of Forest Lake and in the County of Washington; has <br />fi led a copy of each issue immediately with the State Historical Society; has filed with the secretary of stale prior to Jana ry I <br />ofeach year an affidavit signed by the publisher of managing officer and sworn to before a notary public stating that the <br />newspaper is a legal newspaper: and has compiled with all of the foregoing conditions for at least two years last past; <br />that the Public .............................................................Ot Cehereto attached 4 <br />was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language• <br />once each week, for...... two.... .........successive weeks; that it was first so published on Thursday, t <br />... <br />30th January 75 <br />the ............... day of ............................t 19.. ,and thereafter on Thursday <br />f of <br />each week to and including the .... 6th ......... day of ... �e....... K ry .... .......... 19..:5. <br />and that the following is a printed copy of the lowercase alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive• and is hereby acknowledged as <br />being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: <br />6 -point News Type—abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz <br />Subscribed and sworn to before me this....... with • , . • . ,rr.•.v4i-W%- v`;►%xr. �• �"•:'T9' . f. <br />PATSY BRANDENBURG <br />NOTARY PUBLIC -MINNESOTA <br />/w►`CHiSAGO COUNTY 1 <br />Notary Public. ChisagoCounty. Minn. My commission expir :ti; yt....Yy.CoowJYlD0iiW7t:u::?gtI*:..t. <br />a•.qr.•�r••ruti•,rn�.• �..• r.• ,v...r..„• <br />