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Council in making decisions,assist the <br /> City Council in coordinating, admin- <br /> istering,and implementing decisions in <br /> regard to requests and problems of mu- <br /> nicipal concerns; research and assist <br /> the City Council in developing and rec- <br /> ommending solutions thereto;and coor- <br /> dinating efforts through directives to <br /> other departments,other agencies,and <br /> the general public. <br /> (3) Coordinate the enforcement of all <br /> ordinances, regulations, and law en- <br /> forcement policies of the City Council <br /> and all laws of the State of Minnesota <br /> applicable within the City. <br /> (4)Advise and report to the City Council <br /> a single consolidated budget including <br /> statements relating to projected a reve- <br /> nue, proposed sources of revenue, and <br /> all proposed expenditures to be made an <br /> obligations incurred by the City in the <br /> forthcoming fiscal year. <br /> (5) Administer expenditures of funds <br /> only within limits established and app- <br /> roved by the City Council. <br /> (6)Administer all capital improvement <br /> projects and service programs as app- <br /> roved by the City Council., <br /> (7) Subject to Council approval,estab- <br /> lish such administrative policies and <br /> procedures as may be necessary to <br /> ensure the proper and efficient oper- <br /> ation of all departments and divisions of <br /> the City,and to issue administrative or- <br /> ders to carry out such policies and proc- <br /> edures. <br /> (8)Recommend to the City Council the <br /> approval or disapproval of all applica- <br /> tions for licenses or permits, after in- <br /> vestigation of the application, and <br /> receipt to recommendation from the ap- <br /> propriate City Inspector or City Depart- <br /> ment. <br /> (9) Perform such other duties as the <br /> Council may from time-to-time pre- <br /> sribe. <br /> Subd. E. Personnel. The City Admin- <br /> \ istrator shall be the Personnel Officer <br /> for the City,and be responsible for the <br /> implementation of City personnel poli- <br /> cies not specifically delegated to the <br /> Civil'Service Commission. All depart- <br /> ment heads, supervisors, and admin- <br /> istrative personnel shall report directly <br /> to the Administrator.The Administrator <br /> shall recommend to the Council the hir- <br /> ing, the promotion, demotion, or dis- <br /> missal of all probationary, temporary, <br /> permanent, full-time or part-time em- <br /> ployees of the City, and may suspend <br /> any employee until the next Council <br /> meeting when the Council shall affirm, <br /> modify,or rescind the suspension.All fi- <br /> nal determinations with regard to per- <br /> sonnel matters shall be made by the City <br /> Council. <br /> Subd.F.Purchasing.The Adminstrator <br /> shall exercise control over the fiscal ex- <br /> penditures of all departments and div- <br /> isions of the City,and such appropria- <br /> tions as appear in the annual City bud- <br /> get. He shall make all purchases and <br /> acquisitions in the name of the City,sub- <br /> ject to such administrative procedures <br /> as are approved by the Council. <br /> Subd. G..Meetings. The Administrator <br /> shall attend and participate in dis- <br /> cussions at all meetings of the City <br /> Council and other official bodies as <br /> directed by the City Council.He shall be <br /> responsible for the preparation of the <br /> City Council agenda and all related <br /> items.The City Administrator shall rep- <br /> resent the City at official functions,as <br /> directed by the City Council,and main- <br /> tain good public relations with the cit- <br /> izens of the community. <br /> Ordinance 1986-234 <br /> EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordin- <br /> anee shall be in full force and effect. <br /> from and after its passage and publica- <br /> tion according to law. <br /> ADOPTED AND PASSED BY THE <br /> CITY COUNCIL THIS 21ST DAY OF <br /> JULY,1986. <br /> /s/J.Michael McAllister <br /> J.Michael McAllister,Mayor <br /> ATTEST: <br />• /s/Mary Ann Creager <br /> Mary Ann Creager,City Clerk <br /> (Published in THE TIMES August 7, <br /> 1986) <br />