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to the minimum limits hereinbefore specified <br /> within five (5) days after payment of any claim <br /> shall result in the license being suspended until <br /> such proof of insurance is provided. <br /> Any policy of insurance provided hereunder must <br /> include the provision that the insurer may not <br /> cancel coverage without at least ten (10) days <br /> notice to the City. In the event of cancellation <br /> the license is automatically suspended until and <br /> unless proof of financial responsibility as herein <br /> set forth is provided. " <br /> 2. In Section 150-11, entitled, "HOURS AND DAYS <br /> OF SALE" , in the first sentence insert a period <br /> after "Monday" , and delete " , nor between the hours <br /> of one a. m. and eight o'clock p.m. on the day of <br /> any statewide election. " . <br /> 3 . Thi Ordinance shall be effect4_ve from and <br /> after its adoption and publication according to law. <br /> 4 . The official copies of the Hugo City Code shall <br /> be amended to reflect the wit in changes upon passage <br /> and publication. <br /> ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS ;;/ DAY OF ,c , 1984. <br /> ATTEST : / 77/7.4;CCOLULa <br /> ayor <br /> • <br /> City rk <br /> Published in the Forest Lake Times on the / day of a�-� _, <br />