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r <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 160 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 266 OF THE HUGO CITY CODE, ENTITLED, <br /> "SIGNS" TO MORE CLEARLY DEFINE THE USE OF TEMPORARY SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY. <br /> The City Council of the City of Hugo, Washington County, <br /> Minnesota, hereby ordains: <br /> 1. In Section 266-2, entitled, "DEFINITIONS", insert Subd. E.1 <br /> to read as follows - <br /> SIGN, ELECTION. A sign placed in such a manner as not to <br /> be permanently affixed to any building, structure, or land, <br /> and directing attention to a person or persons seeking an <br /> elected office. <br /> 2. In Section 266-2, entitled, "SIGN, TEMPORARY", in the sixth <br /> line after "real estate signs", delete the following - <br /> "which are 12 square feet or less" <br /> 3. In Section 266-3, Subdivision B, entitled, "SIGN PERMIT", <br /> in the seventh line, delete the following - <br /> "including election signs, real estate signs" <br /> 4. In Section 266-5, Subdivision A, entitled, "RESIDENCE <br /> DISTRICTS", under"Number;' and after the word "frontage" <br /> insert the following - <br /> "three additional temporary signs exclusive of election <br /> signs, and twelve (12) additional election signs." <br /> 5. In Section 266-5, Subdivision A, entitled, "RESIDENCE <br /> DISTRICTS", under "Size", in the third line after <br /> "signs;" change the number from 12 square feet to 32 <br /> square feet. <br /> 6. In Section 266-5, Subdivision A, entitled, "RESIDENCE <br /> DISTRICTS" under "Location" in the second line after <br /> "right-of-way line" insert the following - <br /> "except there will be no setback requirements for <br /> temporary signs." <br /> 7. In Section 266-5, Subdivision B, entitled, "AGRICULTURE <br /> AND CONSERVANCY DISTRICT" under "Number" after "lot <br /> frontage." insert the following - <br /> "six additional temporary signs, exclusive of election <br /> signs, and twenty additional election signs." <br />