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• <br /> ,I <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 ss <br /> ORDINANCE NUMBER 163 COUNTY OF Washington <br /> AN ORDINONCE AMGNDING Duane A.Rasmussen,being duly sworn,on oath says he is and during all the times herein stated has been the publisher <br /> a. <br /> CHAPTER 320 OF THE HUGH CITY CODE ENTITLED ZONING" BY and printer of the newspaper known as the Forest Lake Times and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows <br /> AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT <br /> CLASSIFICATION OF DESCRIBED Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed <br /> REAL PROPERTY. space to at least 900 squre inches.Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once each week.Said newspaper <br /> •r The-City Council of the City of Hugo, has 50%of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it purports to serve and does not <br /> Washington County,Minnesota,hereby wholly duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents,plate matter and advertisements.Said news- <br /> ' ordains: paper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve,has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to <br /> , The Zoning Classification of the Real payingsubscribers,has an average of at least 75%of its total circulation <br /> Property described as follows,to wit: g currently paid p rt more than three months in <br /> , That part of the Northeast Quarter arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local post-office.Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Forest <br /> (NE 1/4) of Section 17, Township 31, Lake in the County of Washington and it has its known office of issue in the City of Forest Lake in said county,established <br /> t Range 21, Washington- County, Min- and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news,sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and <br /> nesota, described as follows: Corn- maintained by the managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control du, <br /> mencing at the intersection of the ing all such regular business hours and at which said newspaper is printed. Said newspaper files a copy of each issue im- <br /> Easterly right-of-way line of Minnesota mediately with the State Historical Society.Said newspaper is made available at single or subscription prices to any per <br /> State Trunk Highway No. 61, and the son,corporation,partnership or other unincorporated association requesting the newspaper and making the applicable <br /> East and West quarter line of 'said payment.Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates of <br /> Section 17; thence Northerly along said publication mentioned below.Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1,1966 <br /> Easterly right-of-way line 266' to,,the and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing of- <br /> point of beginning of the parcel to,be ficer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper <br /> described;thence continuing along said <br /> right-of-Way line 97.21'; thence on a Public Notice <br /> deflection angle of 77°45' to,the right He further states on oath that the printed hereto attached <br /> 179.37'; thence on a deflection angle of <br /> 90°to the right 95';thence on a deflection <br /> angle of 90°to the right 200'to the point as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English <br /> of beginning and containing 0.42 acres, <br /> more or less <br /> shall be changed from its existing lanuage,once each week,for 'Wo successive weeks, that it was first so published on Thursday. <br /> classification within the.Retail Business <br /> Zone to a classification in the Industrial 27th September 79 <br /> Zone. the day of 19 and was thereafter printed and published on every <br /> The Official zoning Map on file in the <br /> Office of the City Clerk shall beThursday to and including the 4th day of October 1;79 <br /> corrected and amended to show the <br /> changes in Zoning District Boundaries <br /> and the changes in the Zoning District and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z,both inclusive,and is hereby acknowledged <br /> Classifications for the above described <br /> property,as set forth in this Ordinance. as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice,to wit <br /> This Ordinance shall be effecive from <br /> and after its adoption and publication. 6-point News Type--abcdefghi jklm nopgrstuvwxyz <br /> ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 17TH 8-point News type--abcdet'ghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz <br /> DAY OF SEPTEMBER,1979 • <br /> Marvin LaValle,Mayor <br /> ATTEST: Carol A. Williams, /� <br /> Clerk/Treasurer ,e` ,,,,,�.°..� 9.4rt,+—.— <br /> Published in the Forest Lake Times <br /> September 27 and October 4,1979. <br /> Subscri and orn to befor me this 4th day id <br /> Oct 19 <br /> C � <br /> ;?s_ C .. GO COUNT <br /> Notary pub' , '' NOTA].`. r i'e'rYunfv,foui,nesiila <br /> MY GOMMie5iOr E>^ E :.3E. -r.1a,19eu, <br /> (NOTORIAL SEAL) My Commis- i 1.9 .. I <br /> 7 I <br />