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- ORDINANCE NO.1977-141 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br /> CHAPT THE HUG() CITY <br /> COD ,gq• 'WATER <br /> 1 -TAB TO PROVIDE FORT ES- STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> TAB MENT OF WATER TES <br /> BY SOLUTION OF THE TY ss <br /> COON AND TO PROVIDE.. OR <br /> SPECT DESIGNATION OF WA .ER COUNTY OF Washington <br /> REVE FUNDS. <br /> The v:Council of the City of Hugo, Duane A.Rasmussen,being duly sworn,on oath says he is and during all the times herein stated has been the publisher <br /> Washington County, Minnesota, ucreby and printer of the newspaper known as the Forest Lake Times and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: <br /> ordains' <br /> 1.In tum 314-12,enl it led,"Disco u1 i- Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed <br /> nuance Service' commencing on the <br /> space to at least 900 squre inches.Said newspaper is a weekly and is distributed at least once each week.Said newspaper <br /> seventh. line, delete the.following has 50%of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the communitywhich it purports to serve and does ot <br /> "together with interest'thereon at the whollyduplicateotherpublicationupentirely patents,P P P <br /> rate of six percent I�' )per annum." P any and is not made of late matter and advertisements.Said news- <br /> 2. In Section 314-18,entitled, "Water paper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve,has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to <br /> Rates"delete the entire sect inn,and in- paying subscribers,has an average of at least 75%of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in <br /> seri in lieu t hereof the hollowing: arrears and has entry as second-class matter in its local post-office.Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Forest <br /> "•314-18.WATER RATES..A water use Lake in the County of Washington and it has its known office of issue in the City of Forest Lake in said county,established <br /> rate is hereby ilap..s . u..n each pre- and open during its regular business hours for the gathering of news,sale of advertisements and sale of subscriptions and <br /> mise served by I Ipf r • er system. maintained by the managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control dur- <br /> The water use rate.' I ased on a ing all such regular business hours and at which said newspaper is printed. Said newspaper files a copy of each issue im- <br /> calendar quarterly I s; 'I be estab- mediately with the State Historical Society.Said newspaper is made available at single or subscription prices to any per- <br /> lisped Irnm time to I' • it}Council son,corporation,partnership or other unincorporated association requesting the newspaper and making the applicable <br /> Resolui m' r teir' termination <br /> a ment.Saidnewspaperhascom It g g yearprecedingday <br /> of ser 'ore t; en `.f a quarter, P Ycomplied with all the foregoing conditions for at least one recedin the or dates of <br /> the us ge sl ,I or.' Io the publication mentioned below.Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of Minnesota prior to January 1,1966 <br /> Weare 's u: r -two and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing of- <br /> bush mild draw ficer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. <br /> ware one t e the uurterly <br /> penal sl II apply e' t A <br /> tatalt, -1c erc•ent 110' P a d- He further states on oath that the rioted hereto attached <br /> ded to bit tot paid by II Tat ed public: notice <br /> hot.fin avt •nt." x - <br /> 3. It lit 314-20, entitled, " er as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English <br /> Revel un 'delete the article Is <br /> e nliret nd nserl in lieu Ihet• <br /> follow' lanuage,once each week,for Oil® successive weeks;that it was first so published on Thursday, <br /> "3 WER REVENUE <br /> All flu ec ed from the collect of the day of 19 and was thereafterprinted and <br /> asse. t. Ad special service ch• es 27th .Tf1I2L2L:Y"J7 — published on every <br /> shallitt e '(led by the City Trca: rer <br /> or nl •t c hated person,and lie epi Thursday to and including the day of 19 <br /> in a iii' fund eh slim)be 27111 Jdnlattr�r <br /> tin, •i 'ter Sir Fund. ese <br /> MI I 'II a used el lt.'men( in- and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z,both inclusive,and is hereby acknowledged <br /> del .-s tcurred I n'the oust 'un as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice,to wit: <br /> of 'ei water s.•tilet at se <br /> Cita at special conte on c es 6-point News T <br /> t31 tilt be deposited y II 'ty yP(Vv Type--abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyz�yyy <br /> at •r ` other desig ted m �4►7 ''�8 \�i 1.L <br /> at k in-I sep lit wtd h !vl.1, y,�,,,.. <br /> SI Iitled as i nd r <br /> a . These f I I ed M,tr,,ir` ., • <br /> f ins tN nit ti and <br /> t ince .it t e s tit nd <br /> w •s in ' Ca, g <br /> 4. Ile. actio es <br /> H ity Subscribed and sworn tp before me this 27th day of ---19 ' — <br /> Code spa nr�d r ret' the `//1/ <br /> within i• pre ansa and <br /> publicata, I t rrlinance. -- <br /> ADOPT A PASSED THIS 1Ttlt f ,.,,� <br /> DAY OP U ,1977. _ G �!P;cTH JARV;3 <br /> /8/Marvin LaValle <br /> MAYOR CH AGO cOUttl-xt <br /> ATTEST:' N ary.pjtl�t�cr,pT/-r• 10U y,Min sola <br /> •s/Carol A.Williams ""�"' .°�'rvi•� �OTc, <br /> CITY CLER NOTORIAL SEAL) M CbfttFrR3$IBtfEk�lt dax r-tra[5 S - 1 :p� <br /> I Publish P..re4t Lake Time: <br /> Januar - <br /> • <br />