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,a <br />the <br />f. <br />D <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />SS. <br />County of Washington <br />�� a. Duane A. Rasmussen, being duly sworn, on oath says: That he is, and during all the times herein stated has been, the publisher <br />Dunhe sit t of ofthe newspaper known as the Forest Lake Times, and has full knowledge or the facts hereinafter stated: that fortwoyears <br />of Seer 20: <br />[lineal NIL W�. L;::l:n T,,�2r�$ <br />l feet: t ace 99 prior to the publication therein of the • ........... i .. c 4 4'i .......................... <br />s We di a of <br />autb,tlYllls tAe .•. ........ .................................................................... <br />4 lance ... <br />the NE he reibafter described. said newspaper was printed and published in the Vi I lage of Forest Lake in the County of Washington. <br />Ist line State of Minnesota, on Thilrsday of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the English <br />Irallel language in newspaper formatand in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space toat least 900 square inches. has been <br />f;l/4, a distributed as least once each week; has had at least 50 percent of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the <br />Wallet <br />a community which it purports to serve: has been circulated in and near the municipality which ilpurporlstoserve. and has had <br />in( of at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and has had an average of at least 75 percent of its total <br />trallel circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears, and has had entry as second-class matter in the Forest <br />go, of Lake post office; has its known officeofissueestablished inthe Village ofForestLake and in the County of Washington: has <br />iti as filed a copy ofeach issue immediately with the State Historical Society; has filed with the secretary ofstate prior to January I <br />pj'way <br />ofeach year an affidavit signed by the publisher of managing officer and sworn to before a notary public stating that the <br />t west newspaper is a legal newspaper; and has compiled with all of the foregoing conditions for at least two years Iasi past: <br />or 315 <br />right- Publ-Ll- Tot:1co <br />D. 6J: That the....:............................................................. hereto attached <br />"s""'"I• was cut from the columns of said newspaper• and was printed and published therein in the English language, <br />Ion <br />M46 �zdg I. <br />If.teg ante each week, for..... s..... . ......... successive weeks; that it was first so published on Thursday. <br />Anal e 19a%1WO _ r� <br />> to the ... �:: ......:. day of ...... .. ..... .......... 19 (.•2 ...... and thereafter on Thursday of <br />q� 1.4 r� <br />>t A111yeway. each week to and including the .... ......... day of .............::t.... .......... 19{.d... <br />� Ont is <br />!corner of and that the following is a printed copy of the lowercase alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as <br />himice, east, being the site and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: <br />Id .1 a <br />Indere 6 -point News Type—abcdefghijklmnopgrsluvwxyz <br />1 1 <br />Isest <br />isuly ligmM-MaLXX2eL'^ab�e hntttiff9ftivwxya <br />.. om its':in ssi ellirathe..�%'��'.led <br />o clasxifi id the <br />industry distiht .. .... . <br />The Official Zoai�g Ma on rile the <br />offiieofthecihClei7cshaPIbe• led <br />s in t <br />to ahoy the changes ogia� a icl r t1 I <br />boundaries andge llnng. s M illg Subs ed and worn to before met 's. . ....... ........ daY of .. :... ...... 19 til <br />di1AW�L clansi cation v <br />de rRsOp rtv,°asset lir is .Y:�r . <br />�` e ..E. ..'�w's <br />o e hall be eft ' t+ve 4 • • • • .. t„ It ¢:r•I fel ^T'� <br />a - - ion bad eel f`'� CHI<�r=% COLINI Y <br />DAY- Kit. 6Iw Notary Public.ChisagoCounty.Minn. ommissionexpires.. .`y��v tWT�F4Y•SY:,�tC��•�'I'�P Jg <br />Pk <br />-S. D-+ Lease My COMMISSION ExpIREs SEIB'i. ff5.'I��vtl <br />Mllyor <br />-s-R tflL' B�ehard <br />(Pu ished in the Forest Lake Times <br />�Novenlillo 26. I.),& <br />