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Ordinance No. <br />Page 3 <br />shall be refunded upon a revocation of the <br />license. The license fee shall not be pro- <br />rated for any reason. <br />E. Insert Subd. F, entitled "Sewer Availability <br />Charge (SAC)" as follows: <br />Subd. F. Sewer Availability Charge (SAC). <br />No permit shall be issued for any connection, <br />repair, enlargement or alteration to the sewer <br />system until a determination has been made by <br />the City of the Service Availability Charge <br />(SAC), to be imposed by the Metropolitan <br />Waste Control Commission, and the applicant <br />has paid to the City the full amount of any <br />such Service Availability Charge that may be <br />applicable." <br />F. Insert Subd. G, entitled "Residential Equi- <br />valent Charges (REC)", as follows: <br />Subd. G. Residental Equivalent Charges (REC). <br />No permit shall be issued for any connection, re- <br />pair, enlargement or alteration to the sewer <br />system until a determination has been made by <br />the City that the Residental Equivalent Charge <br />was assessed against the property, and, if not. <br />so assessed, no permit shall be issued until <br />applicant has paid to the City the full amount <br />of any such Residental Equivalent Charges de- <br />termined by the City for the property usage. <br />3. In Section 262-7, entitled "Delayed Connection Charge", <br />delete the following sentences: <br />"The owner of each residence, dwelling or <br />building, to which sewer service is or be- <br />comes available shall secure all permits <br />required, and connect to the public sewer <br />system within twelve (12) months after <br />service becomes available to the property. <br />A fee of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) <br />shall be paid at the time of securing the <br />permit for connection after said twelve (12) <br />month period, in addition to all other fees <br />and charges that may be applicable." <br />