<br />WHEREAS, the Hugo City Council does deem it appropriate and in the best interest of the
<br />Public Health, Safety, and Welfare of its citizens and the Officers and Members of the
<br />Hugo Fire Department:
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, under the authority of Chapter 20, Subd. 7, of the Hugo Cit
<br />Code, a select commmmitte, to be entitled, " The Fire Department Operations Review Committee"I
<br />is hereby created. The committee members shall be appointed by the City Council. Memmbersh
<br />shall consist of no less than three (3) members, and as many as may be authorized by the
<br />Council. The committee members shall select a chainmenber who shall serve as presiding
<br />officer at all committee meetings. The committee shall comply with the open meeting law.
<br />The Acting Mayor, City Attorney, Fire Chief, and City Clerk shall be ex -officio, non-voting
<br />members of the committee. The .yotin members of the committee shall be compensated at a
<br />rate equal to elected City Counc-ice-members, pro -rated on a monthly basis.
<br />The voting members of the committee shall be covered on all city insurance policies cur-
<br />rently in force in the City of Hugo, including worker's compensation coverage. The City
<br />Clerk is hereby ordered to notify, in writing, the city's agency of record,
<br />AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Committee is hereby authorized and assigned the following
<br />specific tasks:
<br />1. PRIOR TO THE APRIL 1, 1985, CITY COUNCIL MEETING, receive and review applications from
<br />any active members of the Hugo Fire Department who wish to apply for the position of
<br />Fire Chief or Assistant Fire Chief. Forward all applications, along with your
<br />recommendation, of the best candidate for each position, to the Council.
<br />2. Encourage and review applications from any resident who may wish to serve on the Hugo
<br />Fire Department. Forward the application, along with your recommendation, on each
<br />car.didate desiring appointment to membership in the deparment, to the Council.
<br />3. Meet with the entire membership of the Hugo Fire Department and actively solicit com-
<br />plaints, suggestions, and any other data you deem appropriate. Observe the day -today
<br />operations of the department in the emergency and non -emergency environment. After
<br />completing the above, draft a Fire Department Operations Manual, and forward it to
<br />the City Council.
<br />4. Draft recommendations, within the framework of Equal Opportunity Employment Laws, this
<br />Council, and future Councils, could use when selecting candidates for office and mem-
<br />bership in the department. The committee shall advertise in the official newspaper,
<br />and hold a public hearing on the draft, prior to forwarding it to the City Council.
<br />5. Report to the Council any equipment this City is in immediate need of. Review
<br />the city's Comprehensive Plan and make recommendations to the Council on any and all
<br />major capital improvements the City will need in the next five (5) years, to provide
<br />appropriate fire protection.
<br />6. Assist the Fire Chief in preparation of the fiscal year 1986 Fire Department budget.
<br />Submit the budget to the City Council prior to August 15, 1985.
<br />7. Review the 1984 Twin Cities Metro Area Salary Survey on file with the City Clerk.
<br />Review the present reti.rerentplan for members. Make recommendations for changes if
<br />Hugo is out of step with cities of our size and population.
<br />AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Fire Department Operations Review Committee's authority
<br />shall cease, and the committee shall disband June 1, 1986, unless extended or terminated
<br />at an earlier date by the City Council.
<br />MEMBERS VOTING IN FAVOR: Potts, Schwab, Hauer, McAllister
<br />MEMBERS OPPOSED: Peltier
<br />ADOPTED AND PASSED THIS 7th DAY OF January , 1985.
<br />. Michael McAllister, Mayor
<br />ATTEST:
<br />Mary VCreager,
<br />City Cle
<br />