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I ) ""EMBER 22, 1976 MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF TIE HUGO CITY COUNCIL <br /> 11 SPECIAL MEETING <br /> ['YARD BOUNDARY CHANGES <br /> Meeting called to order at 7:15 P.M. <br /> PRESENT: Lease, LaValle, Smith and Schletty <br /> ABSENT: Leroux <br /> The 1976 legislation required tIm.t the government bodies shall set <br /> boundaries between precincts/wards so that each boundary follows <br /> visible, clearly recognizable physical features. <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, Smith seconded to amend Hugo's ward <br /> boundaries as per map and following description: <br /> WARDI will be enclosed beginning at the southwest <br /> corner of the city limits, running easterly along <br /> southern boundary to Illies Ave. , No. thence, north <br /> to 122nd. St. North, thence west along 125th. St. No. <br /> to Hilo Ave. , No. , thence north to 128th. St. No. , <br /> thence west to Henna Ave. , No. , thence north to <br /> 132nd. St. , northwest to Goodview thence north to <br /> 145th. St. , thence west to Geneva Ave. , No. , thence <br /> north to Oneka Lake Blvd. , thence west to 147th. <br /> St. No. , thence west to Forest Blvd. , thence north to <br /> 165th. St. No. , thence west to city limits, thence <br /> south along city limits to point of beginning. <br /> WARD II will be enclosed by starting at the northwest <br /> corner of the city limits, thence east along city <br /> limits to Inwood Ave. , North, thence south to 175th. <br /> St. North, thence west to Ingersoll Ave. , No. , thence <br /> south along Ingersoll Ave. , No. to 157th. St. , No. , <br /> thence west to Oneka Lake Blvd. , thence west to 147th. <br /> Street Norh, thence west to Forest Blvd. , thence <br /> north to 165th. St. No. , thence west to western city <br /> boundaries, thence north along city boundaries to <br /> point of beginning. <br /> WARD III will be enclosed beginning at the southeast <br /> corner of city limits, thence west along southern <br /> boundary to Illies Ave. , North, thence north to 122nd <br /> St. No. , thence west to 125th. St. thence west to <br /> Hilo Ave. , North, thence north to 128th. St. , No. <br /> thence west to Ilenat av . 7o. , ':o 132:11.. <br /> No. , thence west to Goodview Ave. , North, thence north <br /> to 145th. St. , No. thence west to Geneva Ave. , North, <br /> thence north along Oneka Lake Blvd. , thence east to <br /> 157th. St. , East to Ingersoll Ave.:, North, thence <br /> north to 175th. St. north, thence east to Inwood Ave. , <br /> North, thence north to northern city limits, thence east <br /> to the eastern city boundaries, thence south along <br /> eastern city boundaries to point of beginning. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Smith, and Schletty. <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> METRO WASTE CONTROL: LaValle and Kuusisto to meet with Metro <br /> Waste Control regarding the usage rate, November 23, 1976. <br />