<br /> The meeting was called to order at 7:06 P.M. with Councilman Spitzer acting as
<br /> secretary.
<br /> PRESENT: LaValle, Irsfeld, Vail, and Spitzer. Schletty arrived at 7:13.
<br /> Action on salaries was postponed until the City Council meeting of January 17, 1977.
<br /> Mayor LaValle reviewed the 1977 budget.
<br /> Discussion of Ways and Means for acquiring additional income.
<br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, that Mayor appoint a three
<br /> member preliminary Ways and Means Committee to make initial contact with state
<br /> people, and to formulate a program to acquire state aid funds for the City of
<br /> Hugo.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaVallef Irsfeld, Vail, Schletty, and Spitzer. MOTION CARRIED
<br /> Mayor appointed Larry Irsfeldf Dan Spitzer, and Marvin LaValle to the Ways and
<br /> Means Committee. Citizen members will include Mike McAllister and Al Lemker.
<br /> MOTION: Schletty made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, that Mayor Marvin LaValle be
<br /> appointed chairman of the Ways and Means Committee,
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Irsfeld, Vail, Schletty, and Spitzer. MOTION CARRIED
<br /> Larry Irsfeld will contact Karen Baker this week.
<br /> Mayor LaValle appointed Councilman Schletty as Councilman in charge of roads.
<br /> Discussion of methods of road. maintenance.
<br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by LaValle, that the Mayor appoint a committee
<br /> to study methods of road maintenance and report to the City Council in 90 days.
<br /> VOTING FOR% LaValle, Irsfeld, Vail, Schletty, and Spitzer. MOTION CARRIED
<br /> Mayor LaValle appointed Schletty, Vail, Jim Smith, Roy Brisson, and Don Peterson
<br /> to serve on the road committee. Schletty was appointed chairman.
<br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, that Mayor LaValle appoint
<br /> a committee to serve as city liaison to Metropolitan government, attend as many
<br /> meetings as possible, and direct the City Clerk to notify all members of committee
<br /> of hearingn.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Irsfeld, Vail, Schletty, and Spitzer. MOTION CARRIED
<br /> Mayor plans to appoint members at City Council meeting of January 17.
<br /> Mayor appointed Theodora Peltier, Joe Vignalo, Robert Barth, Bill Hanson, and Ann
<br /> Munthe, Dan Spitzer is Council representative. Theodora Peltier designated chairman.
<br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Vail, that Council confirm establishment
<br /> of Ordinance Committee with membership as appointed by Mayor.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Irsfeld, Vail, Schletty, and Spitzer. MOTION CARRIED
<br /> City Council discussed city government organization, police advisory groups, and
<br /> reserve police corps.
<br /> MOTION: Schletty made motion, seconded by LaValle, to adjourn at 10:13 P.M.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Irsfeld, Vail, Schletty, and Spitzer. MOTION CARRIED
<br /> Carol A. Williams
<br /> City of Hugo
<br />