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residents in Victor Gardens. Within a very general timeline, Mr. Suel identified that the Oneka <br />extension would then occur next year. He stated that this would happen in phase two because this road <br />connection would have to cross the creek, which offers its own set of rules and regulations.:D.R. Horton <br />is also still working with their soil engineers to see what their phasing plan would be according to the <br />viability of soils on the site. Mr. Suel then discussed the land locked piece of property. He explained <br />that it is not land -locked as in there is still access to the property, but that the small piece of land is <br />surrounded by other land owner's properties. He stated that they are working with land owner on the <br />planning of this property. Mr. Suel described that the overall proposal for a PUD is associated with <br />costs with the bridge over the creek, the street connecting to Oneka Parkway, and other amenities they <br />want to add to the development, which translates to needing some flexibility on lot sizes. He said that <br />D.R. Horton has done a lot of research on lot sizes and people aren't too interested in buying side yards <br />but highly desire large front and back yards. <br />Commissioner McRoberts asked what the purpose of the small undeveloped section was in the <br />southwest corner of the concept plan. <br />Mike Suel answered that as Everton continues south, it will bend to the west. This undeveloped section <br />will leave room for yards and future existing lots. <br />Commissioner Knauss inquired as to the timing of constructing the park. <br />Mike Suel said that constructing the park early is important to them and this amenity will also help in <br />the selling of houses. <br />Commissioner Knauss agreed stating that it is important to have access to a park, as near as move in as <br />possible, especially when these homes are geared towards families. <br />Commissioner Knauss commented about the buffer around park. She stated that she would not like to <br />see such large screening as to not be able to see your kids from your house next to the park. She stated <br />that she believes having these site lines is a great feature for parents. <br />Mike Suel added to the conversation on the park stating that he would prefer to not have a parking lot <br />because it could lead to issues of car headlights shining in people's windows. <br />Commissioner Lessard commented that he was concerned about the construction traffic on Everton <br />Avenue. <br />Leitz stated that the property owner, Marvin LaValle, has agreed to allow access to the property through <br />his other property located to the northwest of the site. <br />Commissioner Arcand asked how the road will be constructed to get across the creek. <br />Mike Suel stated that they are looking at building a 70-80 ft. bridge structure. <br />Juba stated that there could also be another concept that could include large culverts. <br />Bear stated that there is an issue with creating an impoundment. When there's a lot of water flowing <br />through the ditch, it wants to expand, which would create a dam and a flooding situation with lots of <br />water. Staff and the developer could look at this more through the AUAR process. <br />