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1977.04.12 CC Minutes - Special Meeting
City Council
City Council Minutes
1977 CC Minutes
1977.04.12 CC Minutes - Special Meeting
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11/2/2015 6:14:47 PM
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11/2/2015 6:14:46 PM
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2 Q1ike Gillen- You could receive a traffic count from Mel Leash, Dept. of Transpor- <br /> ` tation. Mr. Gillen stated that a survey was made in 1970, and 94% of the solid waste <br /> landfills were dumps. Has the percentage changed? Gillen also stated that the last <br /> runs of the trucks would be made during Hugo's largest amount of traffic. <br /> Don Farb replied that solid waste landfills is a relatively new issue, and are subject <br /> to federal legislation, which bans any facility that is an open dump. The metro area <br /> has no open dumps. <br /> Tony Niemczyk - Are yoga going to use borcite as a sealer at the dump? That sealer was used . <br /> on Lake Phalen, and they still haven't plugged the hole. <br /> Dick Harold - Bentonite will be used, and does make an acceptable sealer. <br /> Joe McCoy - Doesn't Metro or PCA say there should be distance of 1000' of occupied <br /> dwelling or 1000' of wetland? <br /> Harold - This is part of the study going on. <br /> Al Lemker - If the people of Hugo decide we don't .',anti the dump, would the <br /> Metro Council policy go along with our wishes? <br /> Farb - The members of the Council will make a decision. There is no policy. It will <br /> depend on how engineering and public policy are addressed. <br /> Leon Muellner - Has Ramsey County done any study on incineration? <br /> Farb - St. Paul is negotiating with a firm for incineration. <br /> Marcia Warned - What happens with road breakdowns? Who's going to pay? <br /> Harold - Washington County would repair any county roads. Hugo would have to main- <br /> tain the city streets. <br /> Erwin Ramsey - How long would County Road 4 last with 70 trucks a day? <br /> Harold - Surface should be good for 10 to 15 years. <br /> Ruby Danielson - The dump would be at the head of St. Paul's water system. What <br /> about contamination? <br /> Harold - That would be part of the engineering study. Would probably be more con- <br /> cerned with area wells. <br /> Taylor Strickland - Would 400 or 500 acres be lost for taxes for 25 to 30 years? <br /> Schwab - The land would go back to agricultural use. The land would be taken off the <br /> tax roll, and could take 20 years. Ramsey County would participate on a 2/3 - 1/3 <br /> basis. <br /> Paul Schmann - Will the land be purchased out right or condemned? <br /> Schwab - Two appraisers would be hired by the county to determine market value. <br /> If owner refused appraised price, the county would initiate condemnation proceedings . <br /> Three appraisers would be hired by the courts to determine market value. It <br /> could possible 4o to court with a jury trial. <br /> Jim Houle - Would adjacent property owners be compensated for depreciation to <br /> their land? <br /> Schwab -. Not sure of criteria. There should be no depreciation of surrounding lands. <br /> If there is a question concerning devaluation of the land, could file a lawsuit. <br />
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